Attosecond spectroscopy for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics
Since the first demonstration of the generation of attosecond pulses (1 as= 10− 18 s) in the
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
Attosecond metrology: from electron capture to future signal processing
The accurate measurement of time lies at the heart of experimental science, and is relevant
to everyday life. Extending chronoscopy to ever shorter timescales has been the key to …
to everyday life. Extending chronoscopy to ever shorter timescales has been the key to …
Attosecond physics
Intense ultrashort light pulses comprising merely a few wave cycles became routinely
available by the turn of the millennium. The technologies underlying their production and …
available by the turn of the millennium. The technologies underlying their production and …
Attosecond science
The motion of electrons on the atomic scale has been hidden from direct experimental
access until recently. We review the revolution in technology that opened the door to real …
access until recently. We review the revolution in technology that opened the door to real …
High harmonic interferometry of multi-electron dynamics in molecules
High harmonic emission occurs when an electron, liberated from a molecule by an incident
intense laser field, gains energy from the field and recombines with the parent molecular ion …
intense laser field, gains energy from the field and recombines with the parent molecular ion …
Extreme ultraviolet high-harmonic spectroscopy of solids
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) high-harmonic radiation, emerging from laser-driven atoms,
molecules or plasmas underlies powerful attosecond spectroscopy techniques,, and …
molecules or plasmas underlies powerful attosecond spectroscopy techniques,, and …
Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization
For the past several decades, we have been able to directly probe the motion of atoms that
is associated with chemical transformations and which occurs on the femtosecond (10− 15 …
is associated with chemical transformations and which occurs on the femtosecond (10− 15 …
Real-time probing of electron dynamics using attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy
Attosecond science has paved the way for direct probing of electron dynamics in gases and
solids. This review provides an overview of recent attosecond measurements, focusing on …
solids. This review provides an overview of recent attosecond measurements, focusing on …
Attosecond science: recent highlights and future trends
We review the first ten years of attosecond science with a selection of recent highlights and
trends and give an outlook on future directions. After introducing the main spectroscopic …
trends and give an outlook on future directions. After introducing the main spectroscopic …
High-energy isolated attosecond pulses generated by above-saturation few-cycle fields
The applications of isolated attosecond pulses reported to date, which have demonstrated
the great potential of attosecond technology in the investigation of ultrafast electronic …
the great potential of attosecond technology in the investigation of ultrafast electronic …