Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics-a review

KR Pandey, SR Naik, BV Vakil - Journal of food science and technology, 2015 - Springer
The health benefits imparted by probiotics and prebiotics as well as synbiotics have been
the subject of extensive research in the past few decades. These food supplements termed …

[PDF][PDF] The potential of probiotics: a review.

CR Soccol, LPS Vandenberghe, MR Spier… - 2010 -
Probiotics, live cells with different beneficiary characteristics, have been extensivelly studied
and explored commercially in many different products in the world. Their benefits to human …

An updated review on probiotics as an alternative of antibiotics in poultry—A review

MU Yaqoob, G Wang, M Wang - Animal Bioscience, 2022 -
Antibiotics used to be supplemented to animal feeds as growth promoter and as an effective
strategy to reduce the burden of pathogenic bacteria present in the gastro-intestinal tract …

Application of probiotics for the production of safe and high-quality poultry meat

YH Park, F Hamidon, C Rajangan… - Korean journal for …, 2016 -
Poultry industry has always been a dynamic and integral part of national economies in many
countries. Economic losses incur especially in large-scale rearing facilities, often attributed …

[HTML][HTML] Influence of probiotic supplementation on blood parameters and growth performance in broiler chickens

A Alkhalf, M Alhaj, I Al-Homidan - Saudi journal of biological sciences, 2010 - Elsevier
Effects of commercial probiotic (Bactocell®) on growth performance and blood parameters
were evaluated. A total of 800 one day-old Ross broiler chicks were raised over 42days …

[PDF][PDF] Probiotics as an Alternative Approach to Antibiotics for Safe Poultry Meat Production.

ST Gul, AF Alsayeqh - Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2022 -
Poultry industry is growing at large scale being good source of animal origin protein for the
humans. To have optimum output in terms of meat and eggs many practices are being …

Effects of a Lactobacillus salivarius mixture on performance, intestinal health and serum lipids of broiler chickens

P Shokryazdan, M Faseleh Jahromi, JB Liang… - PloS one, 2017 -
The ban or severe restriction on the use of antibiotics in poultry feeds to promote growth has
led to considerable interest to find alternative approaches. Probiotics have been considered …

Probiotic level effects on growth performance, carcass traits, blood parameters, cecal microbiota, and immune response of broilers

M Pourakbari, A Seidavi, L Asadpour… - Anais da Academia …, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
Probiotic effects on growth performance, carcass traits, blood parameters, cecal microbiota,
and immune response of broilers were studied. Two hundred one-day-old male chickens …

Influence of microbial probiotics on ruminant health and nutrition: Sources, mode of action and implications

RC Reuben, MMMY Elghandour… - Journal of the …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Globally, ruminant production contributes immensely to the supply of the highest quality and
quantity of proteins for human consumption, sustenance of livelihoods, and attainment of …

[HTML][HTML] Dietary Supplementation of Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus Modulates Cholesterol Levels, Immune Response, and Productive Performance of Laying …

AA Alaqil, AO Abbas, HS El-Beltagi, HKA El-Atty… - Animals, 2020 -
Simple Summary Chicken eggs provide a considerable source of high-quality nutrients for
human food and health. However, egg consumption may harm some people for its high …