Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy

MK Kim - SPIE reviews, 2010 -
Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging applications.
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …

[KNYGA][B] Handbook of holographic interferometry: optical and digital methods

T Kreis - 2006 -
Laserbasierte Messverfahren sind heute unverzichtbar sowohl in der Hochtechnologie als
auch bei der Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie. Die interferometrische Holografie wird …

Extended focus imaging in digital holographic microscopy: a review

M Matrecano, M Paturzo, P Ferraro - Optical Engineering, 2014 -
The microscope is one of the most useful tools for exploring and measuring the microscopic
world. However, it has some restrictions in its applications because the microscope's depth …

Angular spectrum method with correction of anamorphism for numerical reconstruction of digital holograms on tilted planes

SD Nicola, A Finizio, G Pierattini, P Ferraro, D Alfieri - Optics express, 2005 -
We present a new method for numerically reconstructing digital holograms on tilted planes.
The method is based on the angular spectrum of plane waves. Fast Fourier transform …

High resolution digital holographic microscopy with a wide field of view based on a synthetic aperture technique and use of linear CCD scanning

J Di, J Zhao, H Jiang, P Zhang, Q Fan, W Sun - Applied optics, 2008 -
Theoretical analysis shows that, to improve the resolution and the range of the field of view
of the reconstructed image in digital lensless Fourier transform holography, an effective …

Combining multi-marker metabarcoding and digital holography to describe eukaryotic plankton across the Newfoundland Shelf

L MacNeil, DK Desai, M Costa, J LaRoche - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
The planktonic diversity throughout the oceans is vital to ecosystem functioning and linked to
environmental change. Plankton monitoring tools have advanced considerably with high …

Numerical reconstruction of digital holograms for three-dimensional shape measurement

L Ma, H Wang, Y Li, H ** - Journal of optics A: Pure and applied …, 2004 -
In this paper, we present a new technique for 3D shape measurement by recovering the 3D
numerical reconstruction image of a digital hologram. Firstly, we fabricate a Fresnel digital …

Reconstruction of refractive-index distribution in off-axis digital holography optical diffraction tomographic system

T Kozacki, R Krajewski, M Kujawińska - Optics Express, 2009 -
In the paper the optical diffraction tomographic system for reconstruction of the internal
refractive index distribution in optical fiber utilizing grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer …

Fast calculation method for cylindrical computer-generated holograms

Y Sando, M Itoh, T Yatagai - Optics Express, 2005 -
We propose a fast calculation method for diffraction to nonplanar surfaces using the fast-
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. In this method, the diffracted wavefront on a cylindrical …

Particle field digital holographic reconstruction in arbitrary tilted planes

D Lebrun, A Benkouider, S Coëtmellec, M Malek - Optics Express, 2003 -
Digital holography is applied to the reconstruction of small particles in a plane whose
orientation is arbitrary as specified by the user. The diffraction pattern produced by the …