Radiationless optical modes in metasurfaces: recent progress and applications
Non-radiative optical modes attracted enormous attention in optics due to strong light
confinement and giant Q-factor at its spectral position. The destructive interference of …
confinement and giant Q-factor at its spectral position. The destructive interference of …
Optical bound states in the continuum in periodic structures: mechanisms, effects, and applications
Optical bound states in the continuum (BICs) have recently stimulated a research boom,
accompanied by demonstrations of abundant exotic phenomena and applications. With …
accompanied by demonstrations of abundant exotic phenomena and applications. With …
High efficiency of exciton-polariton lasing in a 2d multilayer structure
We have placed a van der Waals homostructure, formed by stacking three two-dimensional
layers of WS2 separated by insulating hBN, similar to a multiple-quantum well structure …
layers of WS2 separated by insulating hBN, similar to a multiple-quantum well structure …
Inhibiting Nonradiative Recombination and Scattering Losses via Ultrafast Pulse Irradiation for Enhanced Perovskite Lasing
Lasing performance of solution-processed perovskite thin films is strictly limited by the out-of-
plane scattering losses due to the wide intergrain spacings and quick nonradiative …
plane scattering losses due to the wide intergrain spacings and quick nonradiative …
Enhanced sum-frequency generation from etchless lithium niobate empowered by dual quasi-bound states in the continuum
The miniaturization of nonlinear light sources is central to the integrated photonic platform,
driving a quest for high-efficiency frequency generation and mixing at the nanoscale. In this …
driving a quest for high-efficiency frequency generation and mixing at the nanoscale. In this …
Momentum mismatch driven bound states in the continuum and ellipsometric phase singularities
In this paper, we elucidate the formation of bound states in the continuum (BICs) in
compound grating waveguide structures from the perspective of momentum mismatch. As …
compound grating waveguide structures from the perspective of momentum mismatch. As …
Continuous-wave perovskite polariton lasers
Solution-processed semiconductor lasers are next-generation light sources for large-scale,
bio-compatible and integrated photonics. However, overcoming their performance-cost trade …
bio-compatible and integrated photonics. However, overcoming their performance-cost trade …
Finite-Area Membrane Metasurfaces for Enhancing Light-Matter Coupling in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are at the forefront of nanophotonics because of
their exceptional optical characteristics. The 2D architecture of TMDCs facilitates efficient …
their exceptional optical characteristics. The 2D architecture of TMDCs facilitates efficient …
Merging bound states in the continuum in the geometrical parameter space
Optical resonators can support bound states in the continuum (BICs) with infinite quality (Q)
factors by eliminating radiation losses. However, practical optical resonators only support …
factors by eliminating radiation losses. However, practical optical resonators only support …
Observation of accurately designed bound states in the continuum in momentum space
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) in artificial photonic structures have received
considerable attention since they offer unique methods for the extreme field localization and …
considerable attention since they offer unique methods for the extreme field localization and …