Four decades of the economics of happiness: Where next?

AE Clark - Review of Income and Wealth, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Four Decades of the Economics of Happiness: Where Next? - Clark - 2018 - Review of Income
and Wealth - Wiley Online Library Skip to Article Content Skip to Article Information Wiley Online …

[PDF][PDF] Time, money, and subjective well-being

C Mogilner, A Whillans, MI Norton - Handbook of well-being, 2018 -
Time and money are scarce and precious resources: people experience stress about having
insufficient time, and worry about having insufficient money. This chapter reviews research …

[KNJIGA][B] Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths

A Carr - 2013 -
Remediating deficits and managing disabilities has been a central preoccupation for clinical
psychologists. Positive Psychology, in contrast, is concerned with the enhancement of …

[KNJIGA][B] Wellbeing

R Layard, JE De Neve - 2023 -
What produces a happy society and a happy life? Thanks to the new science of wellbeing,
we can now answer this question using state-of-the-art empirical evidence. This transforms …

Vantage sensitivity: a framework for individual differences in response to psychological intervention

B de Villiers, F Lionetti, M Pluess - Social psychiatry and psychiatric …, 2018 - Springer
Purpose People differ significantly in their response to psychological intervention, with some
benefitting more from treatment than others. According to the recently proposed theoretical …

Tourism as a pathway to the good life: Comparing the top–down and bottom–up effects

CC Chen, S Yoon - Journal of Travel Research, 2019 -
This research examined the relationships among tourism, well-being, and novelty-seeking
as a personality trait based on the top–down and bottom–up theories of well-being. A …

Sensory processing sensitivity and social pain: a hypothesis and theory

L Morellini, A Izzo, A Celeghin, S Palermo… - Frontiers in human …, 2023 -
Sensory-processing sensitivity (SPS) defined, as a personality trait, seems to be
characterized by emotional sensitivity, and stronger reactivity to both external and internal …

Validation of a general subjective well-being factor using classical test theory

A Al Nima, KM Cloninger, F Lucchese, S Sikström… - PeerJ, 2020 -
Background Subjective Well-Being (SWB) is usually conceptualized in terms of an affective
(ie, judgements of biological emotional reactions and experiences) and a cognitive …

Negative emotional reactivity moderates the relations between family cohesion and internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescence

JA Rabinowitz, I Osigwe, DAG Drabick… - Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
Lower family cohesion is associated with adolescent internalizing and externalizing
problems. However, there are likely individual differences in youth's responses to family …

Happiness in behaviour genetics: An update on heritability and changeability

RB Nes, E Røysamb - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2017 - Springer
In this paper we summarize recent behaviour genetic findings on happiness measured as
life satisfaction (LS) and subjective wellbeing (SWB) and discuss important implications …