The physical mechanisms of induced earthquakes
Anthropogenic operations involving underground fluid extraction or injection can cause
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
Hydraulic fracturing‐induced seismicity
Hydraulic fracturing (HF) is a technique that is used for extracting petroleum resources from
impermeable host rocks. In this process, fluid injected under high pressure causes fractures …
impermeable host rocks. In this process, fluid injected under high pressure causes fractures …
Current challenges in monitoring, discrimination, and management of induced seismicity related to underground industrial activities: A European perspective
Due to the deep socioeconomic implications, induced seismicity is a timely and increasingly
relevant topic of interest for the general public. Cases of induced seismicity have a global …
relevant topic of interest for the general public. Cases of induced seismicity have a global …
Stabilization of fault slip by fluid injection in the laboratory and in situ
Faults can slip seismically or aseismically depending on their hydromechanical properties,
which can be measured in the laboratory. Here, we demonstrate that fault slip induced by …
which can be measured in the laboratory. Here, we demonstrate that fault slip induced by …
Understanding injection-induced seismicity in enhanced geothermal systems: From the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical process to anthropogenic …
Injection-induced seismicity has become a major barrier to the development of geothermal
energy, because the complexity of fault behaviors and the lack of physical fundamentals …
energy, because the complexity of fault behaviors and the lack of physical fundamentals …
Poroelastic stress relaxation, slip stress transfer and friction weakening controlled post-injection seismicity at the Basel Enhanced Geothermal System
Induced seismicity is a limiting factor for the development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems
(EGS). Its causal mechanisms are not fully understood, especially those of post-injection …
(EGS). Its causal mechanisms are not fully understood, especially those of post-injection …
Laboratory study on fluid‐induced fault slip behavior: The role of fluid pressurization rate
Understanding the physical mechanisms governing fluid‐induced fault slip is important for
improved mitigation of seismic risks associated with large‐scale fluid injection. We …
improved mitigation of seismic risks associated with large‐scale fluid injection. We …
Stress perturbation from aseismic slip drives the seismic front during fluid injection in a permeable fault
N Wynants‐Morel, F Cappa… - Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Fluid pressure changes affect fault stability and can promote the initiation of earthquakes
and aseismic slip. However, the relationship between seismic and aseismic fault slip during …
and aseismic slip. However, the relationship between seismic and aseismic fault slip during …
Induced and triggered seismicity by immediate stress transfer and delayed fluid migration in a fractured geothermal reservoir at Pohang, South Korea
This study reveals the important role of hydromechanical responses of large hydraulic
fractures in the cause and mechanisms of induced seismicity associated with the M w 5.5 …
fractures in the cause and mechanisms of induced seismicity associated with the M w 5.5 …
On the relationship between fault permeability increases, induced stress perturbation, and the growth of aseismic slip during fluid injection
Fluid injections into the deep subsurface can, at times, generate earthquakes, but often, they
only produce aseismic deformations. Here we analyze the influence of fault …
only produce aseismic deformations. Here we analyze the influence of fault …