Physiological mechanisms of acute upper thermal tolerance in fish
This review is focused on the questions of why fish exhibit heat failure at thermal extremes
and which physiological mechanisms determine the acute upper thermal tolerance. We …
and which physiological mechanisms determine the acute upper thermal tolerance. We …
The ecological relevance of critical thermal maxima methodology for fishes
Critical thermal maxima methodology (CTM) has been used to infer acute upper thermal
tolerance in fishes since the 1950s, yet its ecological relevance remains debated. In this …
tolerance in fishes since the 1950s, yet its ecological relevance remains debated. In this …
Metabolic trait diversity shapes marine biogeography
Climate and physiology shape biogeography, yet the range limits of species can rarely be
ascribed to the quantitative traits of organisms,–. Here we evaluate whether the …
ascribed to the quantitative traits of organisms,–. Here we evaluate whether the …
Brain dysfunction during warming is linked to oxygen limitation in larval zebrafish
Understanding the physiological mechanisms that limit animal thermal tolerance is crucial in
predicting how animals will respond to increasingly severe heat waves. Despite their …
predicting how animals will respond to increasingly severe heat waves. Despite their …
Climate, oxygen, and the future of marine biodiversity
The ocean enabled the diversification of life on Earth by adding O2 to the atmosphere, yet
marine species remain most subject to O2 limitation. Human industrialization is intensifying …
marine species remain most subject to O2 limitation. Human industrialization is intensifying …
Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction
INTRODUCTION Climate change triggered by volcanic greenhouse gases is hypothesized
to have caused the largest mass extinction in Earth's history at the end of the Permian Period …
to have caused the largest mass extinction in Earth's history at the end of the Permian Period …
Oxygen-and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: blurring ecology and physiology
The Commentary by Pörtner, Bock and Mark (Pörtner et al., 2017) elaborates on the oxygen-
and capacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT) hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Biology …
and capacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT) hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Biology …
Mitochondria and the thermal limits of ectotherms
Temperature is a critical abiotic factor sha** the distribution and abundance of species,
but the mechanisms that underpin organismal thermal limits remain poorly understood. One …
but the mechanisms that underpin organismal thermal limits remain poorly understood. One …
The role of mechanistic physiology in investigating impacts of global warming on fishes
Warming of aquatic environments as a result of climate change is already having
measurable impacts on fishes, manifested as changes in phenology, range shifts and …
measurable impacts on fishes, manifested as changes in phenology, range shifts and …
Long‐term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods
Forecasting long‐term consequences of global warming requires knowledge on thermal
mortality and how heat stress interacts with other environmental stressors on different …
mortality and how heat stress interacts with other environmental stressors on different …