Progressing knowledge in alternative and local food networks: Critical reflections and a research agenda
In the now extensive literature on alternative food networks (AFNs)(eg farmers' markets,
community supported agriculture, box schemes), a body of work has pointed to socio …
community supported agriculture, box schemes), a body of work has pointed to socio …
[کتاب][B] Alternative food networks: Knowledge, practice, and politics
D Goodman, EM DuPuis, MK Goodman - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Farmers' markets, veggie boxes, local foods, organic products and Fair Trade goods–how
have these once novel," alternative" foods, and the people and networks supporting them …
have these once novel," alternative" foods, and the people and networks supporting them …
Concentration and power in the food system
PH Howard - 2021 - torrossa.com
Who controls what we eat? This book reveals how dominant corporations, from the
supermarket to the seed industry, exert control over contemporary food systems. It analyzes …
supermarket to the seed industry, exert control over contemporary food systems. It analyzes …
[کتاب][B] The sociology of food and agriculture
M Carolan - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
In this second edition of The Sociology of Food and Agriculture, students are provided with a
substantially revised and updated introductory text to this emergent field. The book begins …
substantially revised and updated introductory text to this emergent field. The book begins …
Growing local food: scale and local food systems governance
Abstract “Scaling-up” is the next hurdle facing the local food movement. In order to effect
broader systemic impacts, local food systems (LFS) will have to grow, and engage either …
broader systemic impacts, local food systems (LFS) will have to grow, and engage either …
Conventionalisation of organic farming practices: from structural criteria towards an assessment based on organic principles. A review
Organic farming is widely perceived as being more environmentally friendly than
conventional farming. As a form of sustainable agriculture, it receives substantial support …
conventional farming. As a form of sustainable agriculture, it receives substantial support …
Corporate cooptation of organic and fair trade standards
Recent years have seen a substantial increase in alternative agrifood initiatives that attempt
to use the market to curtail the negative social and environmental effects of production and …
to use the market to curtail the negative social and environmental effects of production and …
[کتاب][B] Food, globalization and sustainability
P Oosterveer, DA Sonnenfeld - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Food is increasingly traded internationally, thereby transforming the organization of food
production and consumption globally and influencing most food-related practices. This …
production and consumption globally and influencing most food-related practices. This …
Co-producing transition: Innovation processes in farms adhering to solidarity-based purchase groups (GAS) in Tuscany, Italy
The growth of localized and sustainable food systems is widely recognized in many Western
countries as a response to the increasingly evident crisis of conventional food systems …
countries as a response to the increasingly evident crisis of conventional food systems …
Who decides what is fair in fair trade? The agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price
The agri-environmental governance of value chains can favour a Polanyian double
movement seeking social protection and control over price setting markets or it can advance …
movement seeking social protection and control over price setting markets or it can advance …