Surface defect detection of civil structures using images: Review from data perspective
As civil structures age and deteriorate, it becomes crucial to conduct structural health
monitoring (SHM) to ensure safety and timely maintenance. Surface defect detection plays a …
monitoring (SHM) to ensure safety and timely maintenance. Surface defect detection plays a …
[HTML][HTML] Temperature effect on vibration properties and vibration-based damage identification of bridge structures: A literature review
In civil engineering structures, modal changes produced by environmental conditions,
especially temperature, can be equivalent to or greater than the ones produced by damage …
especially temperature, can be equivalent to or greater than the ones produced by damage …
[HTML][HTML] Physical interpretation of machine learning-based recognition of defects for the risk management of existing bridge heritage
The challenge of the research work presented in the paper is to combine the growing
interest in monitoring the health condition of existing bridge heritage through systematic and …
interest in monitoring the health condition of existing bridge heritage through systematic and …
Prompt engineering for zero‐shot and few‐shot defect detection and classification using a visual‐language pretrained model
Zero‐shot learning, applied with vision‐language pretrained (VLP) models, is expected to
be an alternative to existing deep learning models for defect detection, under insufficient …
be an alternative to existing deep learning models for defect detection, under insufficient …
A review of the research and application of deep learning-based computer vision in structural damage detection
Z Lingxin, S Junkai, Z Baijie - Earthquake engineering and engineering …, 2022 - Springer
Damage detection is a key procedure in maintenance throughout structures' life cycles and
post-disaster loss assessment. Due to the complex types of structural damages and the low …
post-disaster loss assessment. Due to the complex types of structural damages and the low …
[HTML][HTML] Deep learning for automated multiclass surface damage detection in bridge inspections
This paper presents a deep learning-based approach for multiclass surface damage
detection and segmentation in various bridge components. The proposed BridgeNet …
detection and segmentation in various bridge components. The proposed BridgeNet …
A dynamic inference network (DI-Net) for online fabric defect detection in smart manufacturing
Online fabric defect detection plays a critical role in the quality management of textile
production. However, the high-impact and low-probability characteristics of defective …
production. However, the high-impact and low-probability characteristics of defective …
The application of deep learning in bridge health monitoring: A literature review
Along with the advancement in sensing and communication technologies, the explosion in
the measurement data collected by structural health monitoring (SHM) systems installed in …
the measurement data collected by structural health monitoring (SHM) systems installed in …
[HTML][HTML] Concrete bridge defects identification and localization based on classification deep convolutional neural networks and transfer learning
Conventional practices of bridge visual inspection present several limitations, including a
tedious process of analyzing images manually to identify potential damages. Vision-based …
tedious process of analyzing images manually to identify potential damages. Vision-based …
Visual concrete bridge defect classification and detection using deep learning: A systematic review
Visual inspection is an important process for maintaining bridges in road transportation
systems, and preventing catastrophic events and tragedies. In this process, accurate and …
systems, and preventing catastrophic events and tragedies. In this process, accurate and …