CO2 emissions patterns in 7 top carbon emitter economies: The case of transport sector

S Solaymani - Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
These days, climate change issues and their impacts on the economy, social and natural
system of countries have become the main concern of worldwide, even for those countries …

Spatial planning factors that influence CO2 emissions: A systematic literature review

H Zhang, J Peng, R Wang, J Zhang, D Yu - Urban Climate, 2021 - Elsevier
Spatial planning can function as a switchboard for mitigation, adaptation, and low-carbon
development objectives. However, its role in tackling climate change remains ambiguous as …

[CARTE][B] Spacematrix: Space, Density and Urban Form-revised edition

MB Pont, P Haupt - 2023 -
Spacematrix explores the potential of urban density as a tool for urban planning and design.
This revised and extended edition of Meta Berghauser Pont and Per Haupt's 2010 volume …

Identifying spatiotemporal characteristics and driving factors for road traffic CO2 emissions

X Zhou, H Wang, Z Huang, Y Bao, G Zhou… - Science of The Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Road traffic is an important contributor to CO 2 emissions. Previous studies lack enough
spatiotemporal resolution in emission calculation at the road level and ignore the impact of …

Key influencing factor and future scenario simulation of China's CO2 emissions from road freight transportation

L Zhu, Q **ong - Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023 - Elsevier
Road freight transportation is a main source of carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in the
transportation sector, and different factors may affect road freight CO 2 emissions. However …

Towards sustainable urban transport in Singapore: Policy instruments and mobility trends

M Diao - Transport policy, 2019 - Elsevier
In this study, we review a series of policy instruments for sustainable transport in Singapore,
a city-state with significant land constraints and rapid population and economic growth. We …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring nonlinear and collective influences of regional and local built environment characteristics on travel distances by mode

T Tao, J Cao - Journal of Transport Geography, 2023 - Elsevier
We examined the nonlinear associations of the built environment with travel distances by
driving, transit, and active travel and compared the relative contributions of local and …

Understanding the spatio-temporally heterogeneous effects of built environment on urban travel emissions

C Zhao, J Tang, Y Zeng, Z Li, F Gao - Journal of Transport Geography, 2023 - Elsevier
Transportation has become one of the fastest-growing fields for greenhouse gas emissions.
It is important to promote the coordinated development of cities and transportation. To …

Exploring impacts of the built environment on transit travel: Distance, time and mode choice, for urban villages in Shenzhen, China

L Yu, B **e, EHW Chan - Transportation research part E: logistics and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Context-specific research are necessary to promote public transit by optimizing the built
environment in the process of urban renewal. Using data of residential travel survey in …

Many-objective optimization of multi-mode public transportation under carbon emission reduction

C Zhao, J Tang, W Gao, Y Zeng, Z Li - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
The incoordination between public transportation system construction and urban
infrastructure development is a challenge for the sustainable development of cities …