[HTML][HTML] Multirate time-integration based on dynamic ODE partitioning through adaptively refined meshes for compressible fluid dynamics

D Doehring, M Schlottke-Lakemper, GJ Gassner… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, we apply the Paired-Explicit Runge-Kutta (P-ERK) schemes by Vermeire et
al.[1],[2] to dynamically partitioned systems arising from adaptive mesh refinement. The P …

[KNJIGA][B] Property-preserving numerical schemes for conservation laws

D Kuzmin, H Hajduk - 2024 - World Scientific
Many mathematical models of continuum mechanics are derived from integral conservation
laws. Examples of such models include the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations of fluid …

Bound-preserving flux limiting for high-order explicit Runge–Kutta time discretizations of hyperbolic conservation laws

D Kuzmin, M Quezada de Luna, DI Ketcheson… - Journal of Scientific …, 2022 - Springer
We introduce a general framework for enforcing local or global maximum principles in high-
order space-time discretizations of a scalar hyperbolic conservation law. We begin with …

A kernel-based embedding method and convergence analysis for surfaces PDEs

KC Cheung, L Ling - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2018 - SIAM
We analyze a least-squares strong-form kernel collocation formulation for solving second-
order elliptic PDEs on smooth, connected, and compact surfaces with bounded geometry …

Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear evolution equations. Part I: Construction of optimized schemes and pairs of schemes

W Auzinger, H Hofstätter, D Ketcheson… - BIT Numerical …, 2017 - Springer
We present a number of new contributions to the topic of constructing efficient higher-order
splitting methods for the numerical integration of evolution equations. Particular schemes …

Unconditionally strong stability preserving extensions of the TR-BDF2 method

L Bonaventura, AD Rocca - Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017 - Springer
We analyze monotonicity, strong stability and positivity of the TR-BDF2 method, interpreting
these properties in the framework of absolute monotonicity. The radius of absolute …

A third order, implicit, finite volume, adaptive Runge–Kutta WENO scheme for advection–diffusion equations

T Arbogast, CS Huang, X Zhao, DN King - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2020 - Elsevier
A finite volume approximation of the scalar hyperbolic conservation law or advection–
diffusion equation is given. In the context of the method of lines, the space discretization …

Quinpi: integrating conservation laws with CWENO implicit methods

G Puppo, M Semplice, G Visconti - Communications on Applied …, 2023 - Springer
Many interesting applications of hyperbolic systems of equations are stiff, and require the
time step to satisfy restrictive stability conditions. One way to avoid small time steps is to use …

Conservative multirate multiscale simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media

LD Carciopolo, L Formaggia, A Scotti… - Journal of Computational …, 2020 - Elsevier
Accurate and efficient simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media
motivates the development of space-time multiscale strategies for the coupled nonlinear flow …

Positivity-preserving adaptive Runge–Kutta methods

S Nüßlein, H Ranocha, DI Ketcheson - Communications in Applied …, 2021 - msp.org
Many important differential equations model quantities whose value must remain positive or
stay in some bounded interval. These bounds may not be preserved when the model is …