Characteristics of cloud computing in the business context: A systematic literature review

M Stieninger, D Nedbal - Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2014‏ - Springer
Cloud Computing services have become more cost effective and technically flexible than
traditional solutions. Therefore they are gaining more and more attention among …

The conceptual model≡ an adequate and faithful artifact enhanced by concepts

B Thalheim - Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXV, 2014‏ -
Conceptional modelling is one of the central activities in Computer Science. Conceptual
models are mainly used as intermediate artifact for system construction. The notion of the …

Version management for reference models: Design and implementation

O Thomas - … : Efficient Information Systems Design Through Reuse …, 2007‏ - Springer
The central idea in reference modeling is the reutilization of the business knowledge
contained in a reference model for the construction of specific information models. The …

[PDF][PDF] Simulatable Reference Models To Transform Enterprises For The Digital Age-A Case Study-.

C Simon, S Haag - ECMS, 2020‏ -
The digital transformation of enterprises forces organizations to handle increasingly complex
models of their technical and information systems architectures. Both the existing and the …

[ספר][B] Adaptive Business-Intelligence-Systeme

L Burmester - 2011‏ - Springer
Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich ge schützt. Jede Verwertung
außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Ur heber rechts ge setzes ist ohne Zustimmung des …

General and specific model notions

B Thalheim - Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 21st …, 2017‏ - Springer
Abstract Models are a universal and widely used instrument in Computer Science and
Computer Engineering. There is a large variety of notions of models. A model functions in a …

[ספר][B] Reverse Method Engineering: Methode und Softwareunterstützung zur Konstruktion und Adaption semiformaler Informationsmodellierungstechniken

C Seel - 2010‏ -
Die Informationsmodellierung hat sich als zentrales Analyse-und Gestaltungsinstrument der
Wirtschaftsinformatik etabliert. Dabei erfolgt die Erstellung von Informationsmodellen unter …

The conception of the model

B Thalheim - … Systems: 16th International Conference, BIS 2013 …, 2013‏ - Springer
Modelling is one of the central activities in Computer Science. Models are used as
intermediate artifacts for system construction, as reasoning tools, for explanation, for …

[ספר][B] Prozesseigner

C Simon, B Hientzsch - 2014‏ - Springer
Für Unternehmen gewinnt das Thema Prozessmanagement aufgrund der aktuellen
Megatrends zunehmend an Bedeutung: Die Chancen und Risiken durch die Globalisierung …