Photosynthetic response of plants under different abiotic stresses: a review
Plants encounter various abiotic stresses due to their sessile nature which include heavy
metals, salt, drought, nutrient deficiency, light intensity, pesticide contamination, as well as …
metals, salt, drought, nutrient deficiency, light intensity, pesticide contamination, as well as …
Drought stress tolerance in plants: Interplay of molecular, biochemical and physiological responses in important development stages
Drought is an important abiotic stress factor limiting crop productivity worldwide and its
impact is increasing with climate change. Regardless of the plant growth period, drought has …
impact is increasing with climate change. Regardless of the plant growth period, drought has …
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
Widespread tree mortality associated with drought has been observed on all forested
continents and global change is expected to exacerbate vegetation vulnerability. Forest …
continents and global change is expected to exacerbate vegetation vulnerability. Forest …
On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die‐off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene
Patterns, mechanisms, projections, and consequences of tree mortality and associated
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
Dynamics of non‐structural carbohydrates in terrestrial plants: a global synthesis
Plants store large amounts of non‐structural carbohydrates (NSC). While multiple functions
of NSC have long been recognized, the interpretation of NSC seasonal dynamics is often …
of NSC have long been recognized, the interpretation of NSC seasonal dynamics is often …
Understanding the roles of nonstructural carbohydrates in forest trees–from what we can measure to what we want to know
Carbohydrates provide the building blocks for plant structures as well as versatile resources
for metabolic processes. The nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), mainly sugars and starch …
for metabolic processes. The nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), mainly sugars and starch …
Research frontiers for improving our understanding of drought‐induced tree and forest mortality
Accumulating evidence highlights increased mortality risks for trees during severe drought,
particularly under warmer temperatures and increasing vapour pressure deficit (VPD) …
particularly under warmer temperatures and increasing vapour pressure deficit (VPD) …
How tree roots respond to drought
The ongoing climate change is characterized by increased temperatures and altered
precipitation patterns. In addition, there has been an increase in both the frequency and …
precipitation patterns. In addition, there has been an increase in both the frequency and …
Water potential regulation, stomatal behaviour and hydraulic transport under drought: deconstructing the iso/anisohydric concept
J Martínez‐Vilalta, N Garcia‐Forner - Plant, cell & environment, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In this review, we address the relationship between stomatal behaviour, water potential
regulation and hydraulic transport in plants, focusing on the implications for the …
regulation and hydraulic transport in plants, focusing on the implications for the …
Rapid hydraulic collapse as cause of drought-induced mortality in conifers
Understanding the vulnerability of trees to drought-induced mortality is key to predicting the
fate of forests in a future climate with more frequent and intense droughts, although the …
fate of forests in a future climate with more frequent and intense droughts, although the …