[PDF][PDF] Scientific tools for forming professional competence of patrol police officers

V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko… - … Journal of Evaluation …, 2022 - researchgate.net
In this paper, the scientific sources analysis was presented. The peculiarities of the
professional competence formation of the future patrol officers were determined. Moreover …

[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness of the Methodology for the Development of Cadets' Motor and Military-applied Skills during Orienteering Training Sessions: A Case-Control …

K Prontenko, I Okhrimenko… - The Open …, 2024 - opensportssciencesjournal.com
Methods The research, which was conducted in 2018-2023, involved 80 male cadets of the
SP Koroliov Zhytomyr Military Institute (Ukraine), aged 17 to 23. The study's design was a …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Mini-Basketball Training Sessions on the 6-7-Year-Old Boys' Physical Fitness and Physical Development

O Mitova, GP Griban, D Oleniev… - … Journal of Human …, 2022 - eprints.zu.edu.ua
The aim of the research is to investigate the level of physical fitness and physical
development of 6-7-year-old boys before and after the implementation of the authors' …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of modern sports technologies on health and professional activity of law enforcement officers

I Okhrimenko, O Pasko, L Prudka, O Torlo, L Herman… - 2021 - wiadlek.pl
The aim: Is to investigate the influence of modern sports technologies (Crossfit classes) on
health and professional activity of law enforcement officers. Materials and methods: The …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamics of indicators of cadets' physical development and functional status during pentathlon

I Okhrimenko, O Pavlyk, O Tomenko… - International Journal of …, 2021 - academia.edu
The article examines the impact of military pentathlon classes on the dynamics of the cadets'
physical development and functional status in the training process. The research was …

[PDF][PDF] Female students' motor skills development by means of Kangoo Jumps

G Griban, M Nosko, Y Nosko, T Zhlobo… - … Journal of Human …, 2021 - eprints.zu.edu.ua
The aim of the study is to test the effectiveness of Kangoo Jumps experimentally for the
development of female students' motor skills. The main objectives of the study are: to study …

[PDF][PDF] Characteristics of morphofunctional state of paratrooper cadets in the process of CrossFit training

GP Griban, S Zhembrovskyi… - Journal of Human …, 2021 - eprints.zu.edu.ua
The CrossFit training's influence on the morphofunctional state (morphological and
functional indicators) of cadets who are the future officers of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces …

[PDF][PDF] Cadets' motivation for motor activity as an important factor in improving their health

IМ Okhrimenko, OA Tomenko… - Polski Merkuriusz …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Aim: To investigate cadets' motivational priorities for physical exercises and sports in the
process of their training and the dynamics of their health indicators Materials and methods …

[PDF][PDF] Importance of integrating psychophysical training into the holistic training program for law enforcement

V Iorga, PJ De Hillerin, D Dancescu… - Journal of Physical …, 2024 - efsupit.ro
Introduction: This study explores the importance of psychophysical exercises and physical
fitness assessments in the comprehensive training of future police officers. It highlights the …

[PDF][PDF] Means of psychophysiological indicators improvement of future law enforcement officers in the process of their speciality training

I Okhrimenko, N Lyakhova, V Horoshko, I Serednytska… - 2022 - wiadlek.pl
The aim: To investigate the influence of various means of professional training (firearms
training, physical training) on the dynamics of psychophysiological indicators of future law …