Practical privacy-preserving k-means clustering

P Mohassel, M Rosulek, N Trieu - Proceedings on privacy …, 2020 -
Clustering is a common technique for data analysis, which aims to partition data into similar
groups. When the data comes from different sources, it is highly desirable to maintain the …

PrivPy: Enabling scalable and general privacy-preserving machine learning

Y Li, Y Duan, Y Yu, S Zhao, W Xu - arxiv preprint arxiv:1801.10117, 2018 -
We introduce PrivPy, a practical privacy-preserving collaborative computation framework,
especially optimized for machine learning tasks. PrivPy provides an easy-to-use and highly …


呉双, 川崎将**, 菊池浩明, 佐久間淳 - 人工知能学会全国大会論文集 …, 2014 -
抄録 ロジスティック回帰は医療統計に必須の手法である. 我々は垂直分割モデルにおいて暗号理論
的に安全なロジスティク回帰分析を提案する. ロジスティク回帰は非線形なシグモイド関数評価や逆 …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Privpy: Enabling scalable and general privacy-preserving computation

Y Li, Y Duan, W Xu - CoRR, abs/1801.10117, 2018