String diagram rewrite theory I: rewriting with Frobenius structure

F Bonchi, F Gadducci, A Kissinger… - Journal of the ACM …, 2022 -
String diagrams are a powerful and intuitive graphical syntax, originating in theoretical
physics and later formalised in the context of symmetric monoidal categories. In recent …

Free gs-monoidal categories and free Markov categories

T Fritz, W Liang - Applied Categorical Structures, 2023 - Springer
Categorical probability has recently seen significant advances through the formalism of
Markov categories, within which several classical theorems have been proven in entirely …

Complete ZX-calculi for the stabiliser fragment in odd prime dimensions

RI Booth, T Carette - arxiv preprint arxiv:2204.12531, 2022 -
We introduce a family of ZX-calculi which axiomatise the stabiliser fragment of quantum
theory in odd prime dimensions. These calculi recover many of the nice features of the qubit …

Pregeometric spaces from wolfram model rewriting systems as homotopy types

XD Arsiwalla, J Gorard - International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2024 - Springer
How do spaces in physics emerge from pregeometric discrete building blocks governed by
computational rules? To address this question we investigate non-deterministic rewriting …

Categorical tools for natural language processing

G de Felice - arxiv preprint arxiv:2212.06636, 2022 -
This thesis develops the translation between category theory and computational linguistics
as a foundation for natural language processing. The three chapters deal with syntax …

Homotopies in Multiway (Non-Deterministic) Rewriting Systems as -Fold Categories

XD Arsiwalla, J Gorard, H Elshatlawy - arxiv preprint arxiv:2105.10822, 2021 -
We investigate algebraic and compositional properties of abstract multiway rewriting
systems, which are archetypical structures underlying the formalism of the Wolfram model …

String diagram rewrite theory III: Confluence with and without Frobenius

F Bonchi, F Gadducci, A Kissinger… - … Structures in Computer …, 2022 -
In this paper, we address the problem of proving confluence for string diagram rewriting,
which was previously shown to be characterised combinatorially as double-pushout …

Rewriting for monoidal closed categories

M Alvarez-Picallo, D Ghica, D Sprunger… - … Conference on Formal …, 2022 -
This paper develops a formal string diagram language for monoidal closed categories.
Previous work has shown that string diagrams for freely generated symmetric monoidal …

A categorical approach to synthetic chemistry

E Gale, L Lobski, F Zanasi - International Colloquium on Theoretical …, 2023 - Springer
We introduce a mathematical framework for retrosynthetic analysis, an important research
method in synthetic chemistry. Our approach represents molecules and their interaction …

Higher-dimensional subdiagram matching

A Hadzihasanovic, D Kessler - 2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE …, 2023 -
Higher-dimensional rewriting is founded on a duality of rewrite systems and cell complexes,
connecting computational mathematics to higher categories and homotopy theory: the two …