Origin, importance, and predictive limits of internal climate variability
Adaptation to climate change has now become a necessity for many regions. Yet, adaptation
planning at regional scales over the next few decades is challenging given the …
planning at regional scales over the next few decades is challenging given the …
A review of current capabilities and science gaps in water supply data, modeling, and trends for water availability assessments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River is a critical water resource in the southwestern United States, supplying
drinking water for 40 million people in the region and water for irrigation of 2.2 million …
drinking water for 40 million people in the region and water for irrigation of 2.2 million …
Long-term reservoir inflow forecasts: enhanced water supply and inflow volume accuracy using deep learning
Abstract Machine-learning algorithms have shown promise for streamflow forecasts,
reservoir operations, and scheduling, but have exhibited lower accuracy in predicting …
reservoir operations, and scheduling, but have exhibited lower accuracy in predicting …
How will baseflow respond to climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin?
Baseflow is critical to sustaining streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Therefore,
effective water resources management requires estimates of baseflow response to climatic …
effective water resources management requires estimates of baseflow response to climatic …
Decision science can help address the challenges of long‐term planning in the Colorado River Basin
Abstract “Deep uncertainty” is a term that describes planning contexts in which it is
impossible to determine the likelihood of any given set of future conditions, there are …
impossible to determine the likelihood of any given set of future conditions, there are …
An assessment of potential severe droughts in the Colorado River Basin
Much has been learned about Colorado River hydrology since the severe sustained drought
study in 1995. We summarize our updated understanding of plausible future drought …
study in 1995. We summarize our updated understanding of plausible future drought …
Spatiotemporal variability in total dissolved solids and total suspended solids along the Colorado river
The Colorado River is a principal source of water for 40 million people and farmlands in
seven states in the western US and the Republic of Mexico. The river has been under …
seven states in the western US and the Republic of Mexico. The river has been under …
Ml-based streamflow prediction in the upper Colorado river basin using climate variables time series data
Streamflow prediction plays a vital role in water resources planning in order to understand
the dramatic change of climatic and hydrologic variables over different time scales. In this …
the dramatic change of climatic and hydrologic variables over different time scales. In this …
On the sensitivity of future hydrology in the Colorado River to the selection of the precipitation partitioning method
The accurate partitioning of precipitation is important for snowpack and streamflow
simulations in mountainous regions. However, most hydrologic models employ a partitioning …
simulations in mountainous regions. However, most hydrologic models employ a partitioning …
High resolution SnowModel simulations reveal future elevation‐dependent snow loss and earlier, flashier surface water input for the Upper Colorado River Basin
Continued climate warming is reducing seasonal snowpacks in the western United States,
where> 50% of historical water supplies were snowmelt‐derived. In the Upper Colorado …
where> 50% of historical water supplies were snowmelt‐derived. In the Upper Colorado …