The evolution of auditory dispersion in bidirectional constraint grammars
This paper reconciles the standpoint that language users do not aim at improving their
sound systems with the observation that languages seem to improve their sound systems. If …
sound systems with the observation that languages seem to improve their sound systems. If …
The amphichronic program vs. evolutionary phonology
P Kiparsky - Theoretical linguistics, 2006 - degruyter.com
Synchronic and historical explanation Evolutionary Phonology. Evolutionary Phonology
seeks to derive typological generalizations from recurrent patterns of language change …
seeks to derive typological generalizations from recurrent patterns of language change …
Across-the-board tonal polarity in Kipsigis: Implications for the morphology-phonology interface
Using novel data from Kipsigis (Southern Nilotic; Kenya), we present the first attested case of
across-the-board paradigmatic tonal polarity. The nominative case forms of nominal …
across-the-board paradigmatic tonal polarity. The nominative case forms of nominal …
Perceptual distinctness and long-distance laryngeal restrictions
G Gallagher - Phonology, 2010 - cambridge.org
In this paper, I present an analysis of the typology of laryngeal co-occurrence restrictions
based on contrast markedness. The key ingredient of the analysis, for which I provide …
based on contrast markedness. The key ingredient of the analysis, for which I provide …
Compensatory lengthening
P Kiparsky - Handbook of the Syllable, 2011 - brill.com
Compensatory lengthening occurs when the featural content of a nucleus or moraic coda is
deleted, or becomes reaffiliated with a nonmoraic position—typically an onset—and the …
deleted, or becomes reaffiliated with a nonmoraic position—typically an onset—and the …
The acoustic–perceptual salience of nasal place contrasts
CR Narayan - Journal of Phonetics, 2008 - Elsevier
This study examined the perception of the typologically frequent/m/-/n/contrast and the less
common/n/-/ŋ/contrast in syllable-onset position. In an acoustic study of [ma],[na], and [ŋa] …
common/n/-/ŋ/contrast in syllable-onset position. In an acoustic study of [ma],[na], and [ŋa] …
The perceptual basis of long-distance laryngeal restrictions
GES Gallagher - 2010 - dspace.mit.edu
The two main arguments in this dissertation are 1. That laryngeal co-occurrence restrictions
are restrictions on the perceptual strength of contrasts between roots, as opposed to …
are restrictions on the perceptual strength of contrasts between roots, as opposed to …
Perceptually grounded faithfulness in Harmonic Serialism
JJ McCarthy - Linguistic Inquiry, 2011 - muse.jhu.edu
Steriade (2008) argues that faithfulness constraints in Optimality Theory are perceptually
grounded: the faithfulness of a phonological map** is directly proportional to the …
grounded: the faithfulness of a phonological map** is directly proportional to the …
Vowel dispersion and Kazakh labial harmony
AG McCollum - Phonology, 2018 - cambridge.org
This paper uses novel data showing gradient labial harmony in Kazakh to compare Kaun's
(1995) feature-based analysis with a dispersion-based analysis in a Maximum Entropy …
(1995) feature-based analysis with a dispersion-based analysis in a Maximum Entropy …
[HTML][HTML] Not crazy after all these years? Perceptual grounding for long-distance vowel harmony
W Kimper - Laboratory Phonology, 2017 - journal-labphon.org
Abstract Long-distance (or 'transparent') vowel harmony systems have frequently been
considered 'unnatural'and analyzed as 'crazy rules'(Bach & Harms, 1972) because they …
considered 'unnatural'and analyzed as 'crazy rules'(Bach & Harms, 1972) because they …