The evolution of auditory dispersion in bidirectional constraint grammars

P Boersma, S Hamann - Phonology, 2008 -
This paper reconciles the standpoint that language users do not aim at improving their
sound systems with the observation that languages seem to improve their sound systems. If …

The amphichronic program vs. evolutionary phonology

P Kiparsky - Theoretical linguistics, 2006 -
Synchronic and historical explanation Evolutionary Phonology. Evolutionary Phonology
seeks to derive typological generalizations from recurrent patterns of language change …

Across-the-board tonal polarity in Kipsigis: Implications for the morphology-phonology interface

M Kouneli, Y Nie - Language, 2021 -
Using novel data from Kipsigis (Southern Nilotic; Kenya), we present the first attested case of
across-the-board paradigmatic tonal polarity. The nominative case forms of nominal …

Perceptual distinctness and long-distance laryngeal restrictions

G Gallagher - Phonology, 2010 -
In this paper, I present an analysis of the typology of laryngeal co-occurrence restrictions
based on contrast markedness. The key ingredient of the analysis, for which I provide …

Compensatory lengthening

P Kiparsky - Handbook of the Syllable, 2011 -
Compensatory lengthening occurs when the featural content of a nucleus or moraic coda is
deleted, or becomes reaffiliated with a nonmoraic position—typically an onset—and the …

The acoustic–perceptual salience of nasal place contrasts

CR Narayan - Journal of Phonetics, 2008 - Elsevier
This study examined the perception of the typologically frequent/m/-/n/contrast and the less
common/n/-/ŋ/contrast in syllable-onset position. In an acoustic study of [ma],[na], and [ŋa] …

The perceptual basis of long-distance laryngeal restrictions

GES Gallagher - 2010 -
The two main arguments in this dissertation are 1. That laryngeal co-occurrence restrictions
are restrictions on the perceptual strength of contrasts between roots, as opposed to …

Perceptually grounded faithfulness in Harmonic Serialism

JJ McCarthy - Linguistic Inquiry, 2011 -
Steriade (2008) argues that faithfulness constraints in Optimality Theory are perceptually
grounded: the faithfulness of a phonological map** is directly proportional to the …

Vowel dispersion and Kazakh labial harmony

AG McCollum - Phonology, 2018 -
This paper uses novel data showing gradient labial harmony in Kazakh to compare Kaun's
(1995) feature-based analysis with a dispersion-based analysis in a Maximum Entropy …

[HTML][HTML] Not crazy after all these years? Perceptual grounding for long-distance vowel harmony

W Kimper - Laboratory Phonology, 2017 -
Abstract Long-distance (or 'transparent') vowel harmony systems have frequently been
considered 'unnatural'and analyzed as 'crazy rules'(Bach & Harms, 1972) because they …