One-dimensional van der Waals quantum materials

AA Balandin, F Kargar, TT Salguero, RK Lake - Materials Today, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The advent of graphene and other two-dimensional van der Waals materials, with their
unique electrical, optical, and thermal properties has resulted in tremendous progress for …

Nuclear spin physics in quantum dots: An optical investigation

B Urbaszek, X Marie, T Amand, O Krebs, P Voisin… - Reviews of Modern …, 2013‏ - APS
The mesoscopic spin system formed by the 10 4–10 6 nuclear spins in a semiconductor
quantum dot offers a unique setting for the study of many-body spin physics in the …

[ספר][B] Quantum dot heterostructures

D Bimberg, M Grundmann, NN Ledentsov - 1999‏ -
Quantum Dot Heterostructures Dieter Bimberg, Marius Grundmann and Nikolai N.
Ledentsov Institute of Solid State Physics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Quantum …

Fine structure of neutral and charged excitons in self-assembled In (Ga) As/(Al) GaAs quantum dots

M Bayer, G Ortner, O Stern, A Kuther, AA Gorbunov… - Physical Review B, 2002‏ - APS
The fine structure of excitons is studied by magnetophotoluminescence spectroscopy of
single self-assembled In (Ga) As/(Al) GaAs quantum dots. Both strength and orientation of …

[ספר][B] Nucleation theory and growth of nanostructures

VG Dubrovskii - 2014‏ - Springer
Nucleation theory provides a powerful tool for growth modeling of a variety of objects: from
liquid droplets to thin solid films and biological structures. Theoretical approaches based on …

Semiconductor quantum dots and related systems: electronic, optical, luminescence and related properties of low dimensional systems

AD Yoffe - Advances in physics, 2001‏ - Taylor & Francis
This review seeks to extend the scope of both the experimental and theoreticalwork carried
out since I completed my 1993 review on the electronic, optical, andto a lesser extent, the …

[ספר][B] Optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots

U Woggon, P Alivisatos - 1997‏ - Springer
This book presents an overview of the current understanding of the physics of zero-
dimensional semiconductors. It concentrates mainly on quantum dots of wide-gap …

Spontaneous ordering of nanostructures on crystal surfaces

VA Shchukin, D Bimberg - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1999‏ - APS
A review is given of theoretical concepts and experimental results on spontaneous formation
of periodically ordered nanometer-scale structures on crystal surfaces. Thermodynamic …

Nanostructured materials

P Moriarty - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2001‏ -
Nanostructured materials may be defined as those materials whose structural elements-
clusters, crystallites or molecules-have dimensions in the 1 to 100 nm range. The explosion …

Optical emission from a charge-tunable quantum ring

RJ Warburton, C Schäflein, D Haft, F Bickel, A Lorke… - Nature, 2000‏ -
Quantum dots or rings are artificial nanometre-sized clusters that confine electrons in all
three directions. They can be fabricated in a semiconductor system by embedding an island …