Method, apparatus and computer program product for management of information on a graphic user interface

S Frey - US Patent App. 13/404,146, 2013‏ - Google Patents
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Automatic sort and propagation associated with electronic documents

M Bishop - US Patent 8,943,071, 2015‏ - Google Patents
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Desktop, stream-based, information management system

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User interface for a file system shell

JF Moore, GM Sierra, RM Banks, LKF Wong… - US Patent …, 2010‏ - Google Patents
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System for organizing and visualizing display objects

A Agarawala, R Balakrishnan - US Patent 8,402,382, 2013‏ - Google Patents
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Providing selected data through a locked display

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Methods and systems for managing data

Y Arrouye, D Giampaolo, B Ording, G Christie… - US Patent …, 2008‏ - Google Patents
Systems and methods for managing data, Such as metadata. In one exemplary method,
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System and method for filtering and organizing items based on common elements

SA Kaasten, JF Moore, KM Tubbs, R Ivanovic… - US Patent …, 2007‏ - Google Patents
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Object stack

IA Chaudhri, JO Louch, C Hynes… - US Patent …, 2014‏ - Google Patents
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Computing system for information management

RM Watkins, HC Watkins, DV Watkins - US Patent 6,457,017, 2002‏ - Google Patents
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