[HTML][HTML] A holistic review of cyber–physical–social systems: New directions and opportunities
A Cyber–Physical–Social System (CPSS) is an evolving subset of Cyber–Physical Systems
(CPS), which involve the interlinking of the cyber, physical, and social domains within a …
(CPS), which involve the interlinking of the cyber, physical, and social domains within a …
A tutorial on meta-services and services computing in metaverse
The metaverse, as a paradigm continuously evolving in the next generation of the Internet,
aims to integrate various network applications. However, existing applications on the …
aims to integrate various network applications. However, existing applications on the …
VirtualClassroom: A lecturer-centered consumer-grade immersive teaching system in cyber–physical–social space
Lecturers, as the guidance of the classroom, play a significant role in the teaching process.
However, the lecturers' sense of space immersion has been ignored in current virtual …
However, the lecturers' sense of space immersion has been ignored in current virtual …
What to consider at the development of educational programs and courses about next-generation cyber-physical systems?
We live in an age in which new things are emerging faster than their deep understanding.
This statement, in particular, applies to doing research and educating university students …
This statement, in particular, applies to doing research and educating university students …
Metaverse in Multimedia Gaming: Quality of Experience (QoE) Challenges and Standards Requirements for Immersive Media Consumption
The immersive development in computing and communication systems, especially the
evaluation of multimedia technology, has created various new paradigms. One of the …
evaluation of multimedia technology, has created various new paradigms. One of the …
Emerging Vulnerabilities in Cyberspace: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Organizational Behaviors and Complexities That Drive Cybersecurity Risks
HC Mingo - 2024 - search.proquest.com
In contemporary digital landscapes, comprehending the intricate relationship between
organizational practices and cybersecurity vulnerabilities is imperative because …
organizational practices and cybersecurity vulnerabilities is imperative because …
数字孪生技术在智慧医疗与健康领域的技术, 应用与挑战综述
林雨嘉, **金海, 宁焕生, 石飞飞 - 工程科学学报 - cje.ustb.edu.cn
摘要随着人工智能, 云计算, 5G 等先进技术的发展, 数字孪生技术在智慧医疗与健康领域的应用
日益广泛, 医疗数字孪生的概念随之应运而生. 在这一新兴领域中, 患者作为医疗数字孪生研究的 …
日益广泛, 医疗数字孪生的概念随之应运而生. 在这一新兴领域中, 患者作为医疗数字孪生研究的 …