Artificial intelligence in education research during 2013–2023: A review based on bibliometric analysis
S Guo, Y Zheng, X Zhai - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Research on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) has rapidly progressed in
recent years, and understanding the research trends and development is essential for …
recent years, and understanding the research trends and development is essential for …
Proactive and reactive engagement of artificial intelligence methods for education: a review
The education sector has benefited enormously through integrating digital technology driven
tools and platforms. In recent years, artificial intelligence based methods are being …
tools and platforms. In recent years, artificial intelligence based methods are being …
El impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la educación: transformación de la forma de enseñar y de aprender
CS González-González - 2023 - riull.ull.es
La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha demostrado su potencial para transformar numerosos cam-
pos, y la educación no es una excepción. En la era digital actual, la IA ha emergido como …
pos, y la educación no es una excepción. En la era digital actual, la IA ha emergido como …
Education 5.0: requirements, enabling technologies, and future directions
We are currently in a post-pandemic era in which life has shifted to a digital world. This has
affected many aspects of life, including education and learning. Education 5.0 refers to the …
affected many aspects of life, including education and learning. Education 5.0 refers to the …
Evolution and current state of research into E-learning
A Martinez-Garcia, P Horrach-Rosselló… - Heliyon, 2023 - cell.com
This article aims to undertake a bibliometric review along with a conceptual and intellectual
analysis of research on distance learning and e-learning. The purpose of this study is to …
analysis of research on distance learning and e-learning. The purpose of this study is to …
Effectiveness of Distance Learning Computer Numerical Control Based on Virtual Laboratory Using a Metaverse Platform to Improve Students' Cognitive Ability and …
This study analyzes the effectiveness of virtual laboratory-based distance learning as a
means of improving the learning outcomes of students' cognitive abilities and practical skills …
means of improving the learning outcomes of students' cognitive abilities and practical skills …
Use of Chat GPT in English for engineering classes: Are students' and teachers' views on its opportunities and challenges similar?
Mobile technologies have become increasingly important in the field of education, providing
innovative ways to engage students and enrich their learning experiences. ChatGPT is an …
innovative ways to engage students and enrich their learning experiences. ChatGPT is an …
A MAGDM approach for evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence on education using 2-tuple linguistic q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets and Schweizer-Sklar weighted …
A Mahboob, Z Ullah, A Ovais, MW Rasheed… - Frontiers in artificial …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in education can be viewed as a multi-attribute group
decision-making (MAGDM) problem, in which several stakeholders evaluate the advantages …
decision-making (MAGDM) problem, in which several stakeholders evaluate the advantages …
Artificial intelligence and education
C Rios-Campos, ESM Cánova… - … Florida Journal of …, 2023 - ojs.southfloridapublishing.com
Currently the importance of artificial intelligence in education worldwide is recognized. In
this paper the general objective was determine the situation of artificial intelligence and …
this paper the general objective was determine the situation of artificial intelligence and …
Artificial intelligence in education: A bibliometric study on its role in transforming teaching and learning
This study aimed to present a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 1,726 academic
studies from among those indexed by the Web of Science database platform between 2013 …
studies from among those indexed by the Web of Science database platform between 2013 …