[PDF][PDF] Nestmate recognition in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a review
SJ Sturgis, DM Gordon - Myrmecological news, 2012 - stanford.edu
Nestmate recognition is the process by which individuals discriminate between nestmates
and con-and hetero-specifics. Nestmate recognition is based on recognition cues, which …
and con-and hetero-specifics. Nestmate recognition is based on recognition cues, which …
Intracolony chemical communication in social insects
Chemical messengers are the primary mode of intracolony communication in the majority of
social insect species. Chemically transmitted information plays a major role in nestmate …
social insect species. Chemically transmitted information plays a major role in nestmate …
Trophallaxis: the functions and evolution of social fluid exchange in ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Trophallaxis is a complex social fluid exchange emblematic of social insects and of ants in
particular. Trophallaxis behaviors are present in approximately half of all ant genera …
particular. Trophallaxis behaviors are present in approximately half of all ant genera …
Oral transfer of chemical cues, growth proteins and hormones in social insects
Social insects frequently engage in oral fluid exchange–trophallaxis–between adults, and
between adults and larvae. Although trophallaxis is widely considered a food-sharing …
between adults and larvae. Although trophallaxis is widely considered a food-sharing …
Trophallaxis and prophylaxis: social immunity in the carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus
C Hamilton, BT Lejeune, RB Rosengaus - Biology letters, 2011 - royalsocietypublishing.org
In social insects, group behaviour can increase disease resistance among nest-mates and
generate social prophylaxis. Stomodeal trophallaxis, or mutual feeding through …
generate social prophylaxis. Stomodeal trophallaxis, or mutual feeding through …
Gut microbiota colonization and transmission in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides throughout development
Y Wang, DE Rozen - Applied and environmental microbiology, 2017 - journals.asm.org
Carrion beetles in the genus Nicrophorus rear their offspring on decomposing carcasses
where larvae are exposed to a diverse community of decomposer bacteria. Parents coat the …
where larvae are exposed to a diverse community of decomposer bacteria. Parents coat the …
Camponotus fellah colony integration: worker individuality necessitates frequent hydrocarbon exchanges
Our aim was to test the existence of Gestalt colony odour in Camponotus fellah. We isolated
individual workers to prevent trophallaxis, allogrooming and body contact. After 20 days, the …
individual workers to prevent trophallaxis, allogrooming and body contact. After 20 days, the …
Location-specific cuticular hydrocarbon signals in a social insect
Q Wang, JQD Goodger… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Social insects use cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) to convey different social signals,
including colony or nest identity. Despite extensive investigations, the exact source and …
including colony or nest identity. Despite extensive investigations, the exact source and …
Cataglyphis desert ants: a good model for evolutionary biology in Darwin¿ s anniversary year¿ A review
Cataglyphis ants comprise one of the most characteristic groups of insects in arid regions
around the Mediterranean basin and have been intensively studied over the last 30 years …
around the Mediterranean basin and have been intensively studied over the last 30 years …
Nest connectivity and colony structure in unicolonial Argentine ants
Unicolonial ant colonies occupy many nests and individuals rarely show aggression across
large geographic distances. These traits make it difficult to detect colony structure. Here we …
large geographic distances. These traits make it difficult to detect colony structure. Here we …