[HTML][HTML] Various manufacturing methods and ideal properties of scaffolds for tissue engineering applications
The precision in the design and manufacturing of scaffolds with ideal properties such as
biocompatibility, biodegradability, mechanical and surface characteristics is very crucial for …
biocompatibility, biodegradability, mechanical and surface characteristics is very crucial for …
PLA composites: From production to properties
Poly (lactic acid) or polylactide (PLA), a biodegradable polyester produced from renewable
resources, is used for various applications (biomedical, packaging, textile fibers and …
resources, is used for various applications (biomedical, packaging, textile fibers and …
Hyperelastic “bone”: A highly versatile, growth factor–free, osteoregenerative, scalable, and surgically friendly biomaterial
Despite substantial attention given to the development of osteoregenerative biomaterials,
severe deficiencies remain in current products. These limitations include an inability to …
severe deficiencies remain in current products. These limitations include an inability to …
A review of bioactive glasses: their structure, properties, fabrication and apatite formation
Bioactive glass and glass–ceramics are used in bone repair applications and are being
developed for tissue engineering applications. Bioactive glasses/Bioglass are very attractive …
developed for tissue engineering applications. Bioactive glasses/Bioglass are very attractive …
Biodegradable and bioactive porous polymer/inorganic composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
Biodegradable polymers and bioactive ceramics are being combined in a variety of
composite materials for tissue engineering scaffolds. Materials and fabrication routes for …
composite materials for tissue engineering scaffolds. Materials and fabrication routes for …
Polymeric materials for bone and cartilage repair
The past decade has seen the rapid development of new strategies for the design of
biodegradable macromolecular compounds, with properly suited architecture and tailored …
biodegradable macromolecular compounds, with properly suited architecture and tailored …
Bone tissue engineering scaffolding: computer-aided scaffolding techniques
Tissue engineering is essentially a technique for imitating nature. Natural tissues consist of
three components: cells, signalling systems (eg growth factors) and extracellular matrix …
three components: cells, signalling systems (eg growth factors) and extracellular matrix …
Ceramics for medical applications: A picture for the next 20 years
High-tech ceramics have always been associated to medical devices: they are used today
as femoral heads and acetabular cups for total hip replacement, dental implants and …
as femoral heads and acetabular cups for total hip replacement, dental implants and …
Synthesis of poly (lactic acid): a review
Poly (lactic acid), a bio‐degradable polymer, has been studied extensively during the past
15 years. This paper presents a review on poly (lactic acid)(PLA) with focus on its …
15 years. This paper presents a review on poly (lactic acid)(PLA) with focus on its …
Development of clinically relevant scaffolds for vascularised bone tissue engineering
Clinical translation of scaffold-based bone tissue engineering (BTE) therapy still faces many
challenges despite intense investigations and advancement over the years. To address …
challenges despite intense investigations and advancement over the years. To address …