Machine Learning for Sparse Nonlinear Modeling and Control
Machine learning is rapidly advancing nearly every field of science and engineering, and
control theory is no exception. In particular, it has shown incredible promise for handling …
control theory is no exception. In particular, it has shown incredible promise for handling …
AI Pontryagin or how artificial neural networks learn to control dynamical systems
The efficient control of complex dynamical systems has many applications in the natural and
applied sciences. In most real-world control problems, both control energy and cost …
applied sciences. In most real-world control problems, both control energy and cost …
Vehicular applications of koopman operator theory—a survey
Koopman operator theory has proven to be a promising approach to nonlinear system
identification and global linearization. For nearly a century, there had been no efficient …
identification and global linearization. For nearly a century, there had been no efficient …
Difftune: Auto-tuning through auto-differentiation
The performance of robots in high-level tasks depends on the quality of their lower level
controller, which requires fine-tuning. However, the intrinsically nonlinear dynamics and …
controller, which requires fine-tuning. However, the intrinsically nonlinear dynamics and …
Imperative learning: A self-supervised neural-symbolic learning framework for robot autonomy
Data-driven methods such as reinforcement and imitation learning have achieved
remarkable success in robot autonomy. However, their data-centric nature still hinders them …
remarkable success in robot autonomy. However, their data-centric nature still hinders them …
Revisiting implicit differentiation for learning problems in optimal control
This paper proposes a new method for differentiating through optimal trajectories arising
from non-convex, constrained discrete-time optimal control (COC) problems using the …
from non-convex, constrained discrete-time optimal control (COC) problems using the …
Safe pontryagin differentiable programming
Abstract We propose a Safe Pontryagin Differentiable Programming (Safe PDP)
methodology, which establishes a theoretical and algorithmic framework to solve a broad …
methodology, which establishes a theoretical and algorithmic framework to solve a broad …
CALIPSO: A differentiable solver for trajectory optimization with conic and complementarity constraints
We present a new solver for non-convex trajectory optimization problems that is specialized
for robotics applications. CALIPSO, or the Conic Augmented Lagrangian Interior-Point …
for robotics applications. CALIPSO, or the Conic Augmented Lagrangian Interior-Point …
Differentiable bilevel programming for stackelberg congestion games
A Stackelberg congestion game (SCG) is a bilevel program in which a leader aims to
maximize their own gain by anticipating and manipulating the equilibrium state at which …
maximize their own gain by anticipating and manipulating the equilibrium state at which …
Task-driven hybrid model reduction for dexterous manipulation
In contact-rich tasks, like dexterous manipulation, the hybrid nature of making and breaking
contact creates challenges for model representation and control. For example, choosing and …
contact creates challenges for model representation and control. For example, choosing and …