
IC Cuthill - Journal of Zoology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Animal camouflage has long been used to illustrate the power of natural selection, and
provides an excellent testbed for investigating the trade‐offs affecting the adaptive value of …

Predators as drivers of insect defenses

S Sugiura - Entomological Science, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Insects have evolved various types of antipredator defenses. For example, many insects
have evolved crypsis, and exhibit cryptic body colors and shapes for hiding from predators …

patternize: An R package for quantifying colour pattern variation

SM Van Belleghem, R Papa… - Methods in Ecology …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The use of image data to quantify, study and compare variation in the colours and patterns of
organisms requires the alignment of images to establish homology, followed by colour …

Behavioural, ecological, and evolutionary aspects of diversity in frog colour patterns

B Rojas - Biological Reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The role of colours and colour patterns in behavioural ecology has been extensively studied
in a variety of contexts and taxa, while almost overlooked in many others. For decades …

Aposematism facilitates the diversification of parental care strategies in poison frogs

JD Carvajal-Castro, F Vargas-Salinas… - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Many organisms have evolved adaptations to increase the odds of survival of their offspring.
Parental care has evolved several times in animals including ectotherms. In amphibians …

Meta-analytic evidence for quantitative honesty in aposematic signals

TE White, KDL Umbers - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2021 -
The combined use of noxious chemical defences and conspicuous warning colours is a
ubiquitous anti-predator strategy. That such signals advertise the presence of defences is …

Multimodal aposematic signals and their emerging role in mate attraction

B Rojas, E Burdfield-Steel, C De Pasqual… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2018 -
Chemically defended animals often display conspicuous color patterns that predators learn
to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (ie, aposematic) …

When aposematism is not enough: Exotic Rattus rattus shows no mercy for carcasses of Salamandra salamandra in insular populations

G Velo‐Antón - Ecology and Evolution, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Predator–prey interaction is a major force driving natural selection. Yet, the identification of
species preying on, or consuming, aposematic species is largely unknown. Here, I conduct a …

Predation risk drives aposematic signal conformity

H Walker, T Caro, D Bell, A Ferguson, T Stankowich - Evolution, 2023 -
Contrary to expectations regarding efficient predator education mediated by lack of
ambiguity and enhanced prey recognition, aposematic signals often show considerable …

The molecular basis and evolution of toxin resistance in poison frogs

JL Coleman, DC Cannatella - Evolutionary Ecology, 2024 - Springer
Many animals bear conspicuous warning signals that advertise toxin-mediated
unpalatability to predators; this is known as aposematism. Frogs in particular have evolved …