Snowmass white paper: Light dark matter direct detection at the interface with condensed matter physics
Direct detection experiments for light (sub-GeV) dark matter are making enormous leaps in
reaching previously unexplored theory space. The need for accurate characterizations of …
reaching previously unexplored theory space. The need for accurate characterizations of …
Searching for GUT-scale QCD axions and monopoles with a high-voltage capacitor
The QCD axion has been postulated to exist because it solves the strong-CP problem.
Furthermore, if it exists axions should be created in the early Universe and could account for …
Furthermore, if it exists axions should be created in the early Universe and could account for …
Dark matter detection using nuclear magnetization in magnet with hyperfine interaction
We consider the possibility to detect cosmic light dark matter (DM), ie, axions and dark
photons, of mass∼ 10-6 eV and∼ 10-4 eV, by magnetic excitation in a magnet with strong …
photons, of mass∼ 10-6 eV and∼ 10-4 eV, by magnetic excitation in a magnet with strong …
Axion topology in photonic crystal domain walls
C Devescovi, A Morales-Pérez, Y Hwang… - Nature …, 2024 -
Axion insulators are 3D magnetic topological insulators supporting hinge states and
quantized magnetoelectric effects, recently proposed for detecting dark-matter axionic …
quantized magnetoelectric effects, recently proposed for detecting dark-matter axionic …
Axion detection with phonon-polaritons revisited
In the presence of a background magnetic field, axion dark matter induces an electric field
and can thus excite phonon-polaritons in suitable materials. We revisit the calculation of the …
and can thus excite phonon-polaritons in suitable materials. We revisit the calculation of the …
Fermi-arc metals
We predict a novel metallic state of matter that emerges in a Weyl-semimetal superstructure
with spatially varying Weyl-node positions. In the new state, the Weyl nodes are stretched …
with spatially varying Weyl-node positions. In the new state, the Weyl nodes are stretched …
Comparing instrument spectral sensitivity of dissimilar electromagnetic haloscopes to axion dark matter and high frequency gravitational waves
It is known that haloscopes that search for dark matter axions via the axion-photon anomaly
are also sensitive to gravitational radiation through the inverse Gertsenshtein effect …
are also sensitive to gravitational radiation through the inverse Gertsenshtein effect …
Poynting vector controversy in axion modified electrodynamics
The most sensitive haloscopes that search for axion dark matter through the two photon
electromagnetic anomaly convert axions into photons through the mixing of axions with a …
electromagnetic anomaly convert axions into photons through the mixing of axions with a …
Cosmological effects of Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking on QCD axion dark matter
KS Jeong, K Matsukawa, S Nakagawa… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2022 -
We study cosmological effects of explicit Peccei-Quinn breaking on the QCD axion dark
matter. We find that the axion abundance decreases or increases significantly depending on …
matter. We find that the axion abundance decreases or increases significantly depending on …
Detecting hidden photon dark matter using the direct excitation of transmon qubits
We propose a novel dark matter detection method utilizing the excitation of superconducting
transmon qubits. Assuming the hidden photon dark matter of a mass of O (10) μ eV, the …
transmon qubits. Assuming the hidden photon dark matter of a mass of O (10) μ eV, the …