Effects of inclusive leadership on organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of organizational justice and learning culture

TBH Tran, SB Choi - Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 2019 - cambridge.org
The aim of this article is to examine the causal relationship between inclusive leadership
and employees' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of Vietnam service workers. This …

Age-diverse workplace friendship: A systematic literature review and recommendations for future research

L Dietz, U Fasbender - Work, Aging and Retirement, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Friendship may help to bridge differences between people, such as between age-diverse
employees. Oftentimes, age diversity in employee interactions cultivates interpersonal …

Inclusive leadership and career adaptability: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteem and the moderating role of organizational justice

S Shabeer, N Nasir, S Rehman - International Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this research is to test the impact of supervisor inclusive leadership on
subordinate career adaptability skill, as well as conceptualized the organization-based self …

The relationship between servant leadership and work engagement: an organizational justice as a mediator

YB Hermanto, VA Srimulyani - Academic Journal of …, 2022 - repositori.ukdc.ac.id
This study aimed to verify the relationship between servant leadership and work
engagement, and the role of organizational justice as a mediator of that relationship. The …

The effect of leadership and organizational justice in predicting positive emotion of Indonesian Civil Servants

H Hendrian, SPS Patiro - 2nd International Seminar on Business …, 2020 - atlantis-press.com
This study aims to explore the influence of leadership styles (transactional and
transformational) on organizational justice (distributive justice and procedural justice) and …


EAI Lombos, M Teng-Calleja… - Performance …, 2024 - meridian.allenpress.com
The effective leadership behaviors in performance management (ELBPM) found through this
study were (1) ensures employee productivity through management support and …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring the Relationships of Practices of Human Resource Management on Employee Performance in Oman, and the Organizational Justice Moderating Role

AM Hubais, MK Islam, T Atiya - WSEAS Transactions on Environment …, 2024 - wseas.com
Employee performance plays a significant and noticeable role in the advancement and
growth of every organization, as human capital contributes to its success and effectiveness …

Examination of the Effectiveness of School Leadership: A Second-order Meta-analysis Study

M Kaya - Research in Educational Administration and …, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of school leadership by exploring the
relationships between various school leadership models and practices and different school …

The effects of positive leadership behaviors and organizational justice on employee engagement

FA Long - 2023 - digitalcommons.liberty.edu
Increasing employee engagement has been a challenge for many organizations in recent
years, especially in America. Most research has focused on organizational factors related to …