The arts of coexistence: a view from anthropology

SA Schroer - Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2021 -
In this perspectives essay, I propose some ways in which current thinking in anthropology
might inform the emergent cross-disciplinary field of coexistence studies. I do so following …

Unearthing care: Rooting alternative agricultural practices in Norway and Costa Rica

I Hugøy - Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2024 -
This article contributes to the growing literature on human-soil relations by exploring how
care for agricultural soils unfolds among farmers who engage with alternative agricultural …

Birds, bees and bats: Exploring possibilities for cohabitation in the more-than-human city

F Edwards, IMC Melen, AC Syse… - DRS2022: Bilbao, 2022 -
Urbanization pressures are creating conditions for greater urban density. However, cities are
home for both humans and a diversity of nonhuman natures, where heightened proximity …

Between a bird-in-the-hand and species data in the bank: Intermittent care in conservation science

S Eren, A Beaulieu - Theory, Culture & Society, 2023 -
Intense interspecies engagements are central to the work of ecologists, as they seek to
understand our rapidly changing world. To explore researcher-bird engagements in …

How would animals and architects co-design if we built the right contract?

I Farías, TS Criado, F Remter - Design For More-Than-Human …, 2024 -
In the face of multifaceted environmental crises of anthropogenic origins, recent
developments in architecture and urbanism aim to explore other materials, technologies …

On “finishing” a visual memoir of care and death on an Irish cattle farm

E Mc Loughlin, J Casey - Visual Anthropology Review, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This visual memoir probes the tensions and contradictions that inflect the commodity‐based
relationship between a farmer and his cattle on an Irish farm. A methodological exploration …

'Life itself is kinship': Care and disgust in more-than-human worlds

B Banerjee - European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2025 -
Shaunak Sen's powerful documentary All That Breathes (2022) tells the story of two brothers
Nadeem Shehzad and Mohamed Saud, and their assistant Salik, who have devoted their …

Visiting Hours: Spacetimes of Human–Animal Interaction in South African Elder Care

C Golomski - Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines human–animal interaction in elder care by focusing on an old age
home in postapartheid South Africa. Residents admire and desire to be near animals, but …

Uncommon Ground: Climate Change and Compound Dispossessions in Sámi Reindeer Herding

ME Lien - Social Analysis, 2024 -
Recent Arctic warming is a threat to Sámi reindeer herding in the Nordic region as more
frequent freeze-thaw episodes temporarily block the reindeers' access to lichen under the …

Failure to care despite legal personhood for the environment

B Turner, MG Wiber - Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores two concepts of recent interest to Keebet von Benda-Beckmann,
including notions of personhood as expressed in the law and diverse felt obligations of care …