Computational journalism in Norwegian newsrooms
J Karlsen, E Stavelin - Journalism practice, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines computational journalism as a craft practised in Norwegian
newsrooms. Based on in-depth interviews with expert practitioners in six of the largest …
newsrooms. Based on in-depth interviews with expert practitioners in six of the largest …
Social media visual analytics
With the development of social media (eg Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, Sina Weibo, etc.), a
large number of people are now using them and post microblogs, messages and multi …
large number of people are now using them and post microblogs, messages and multi …
Multiple criteria analysis of the popularity and growth of research and practice of visual analytics, and a forecast of the future trajectory
IJ Akpan, AA Akpan - International Transactions in Operational …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This study employs Google trends and data from the web of science to evaluate the
popularity, growth, and impacts of visual analytics (VA) as a research field and data science …
popularity, growth, and impacts of visual analytics (VA) as a research field and data science …
Co-bridges: Pair-wise visual connection and comparison for multi-item data streams
In various domains, there are abundant streams or sequences of multi-item data of various
kinds, eg streams of news and social media texts, sequences of genes and sports events …
kinds, eg streams of news and social media texts, sequences of genes and sports events …
Finishing the “unfinished” story: Online newspaper discussion threads as journalistic texts
J Morrison - Digital Journalism, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Discussion threads published beneath articles on news websites have only lately become
the subject of serious scholarship. While early research preoccupied itself with the hostile …
the subject of serious scholarship. While early research preoccupied itself with the hostile …
How to analyze social media? Assessing the promise of mixed-methods designs for studying the Twitter feeds of PMSCs
Social scientists and international relations scholars are increasingly analyzing data
collected from Twitter or Facebook to examine political processes in which social media are …
collected from Twitter or Facebook to examine political processes in which social media are …
Augmenting geovisual analytics of social media data with heterogeneous information network mining—cognitive plausibility assessment
A Savelyev, AM MacEachren - Plos one, 2018 - journals.plos.org
This paper investigates the feasibility, from a user perspective, of integrating a
heterogeneous information network mining (HINM) technique into SensePlace3 (SP3), a …
heterogeneous information network mining (HINM) technique into SensePlace3 (SP3), a …
Temporal, Network-Based Media Analytics: From Model to Application
J Ziegler - 2024 - archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
Given our evermore complex world, kee** track of important events, developments, and
interdependencies is increasingly time-consuming or even infeasible. To a large part, this …
interdependencies is increasingly time-consuming or even infeasible. To a large part, this …
Advancing the theory and practice of system evaluation: a case study in geovisual analytics of social media
A Savelyev, AM MacEachren - International Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This paper advances the state-of-the-art in methodology design for empirical evaluation of
(geo) visual analytics software. Specifically, we describe the process of design, development …
(geo) visual analytics software. Specifically, we describe the process of design, development …
[PDF][PDF] PMSCs and Twitter: Sentiment analysis as a tool for evaluating social media data
M Dau, M Martin - Researching Non-State Actors in International …, 2017 - library.oapen.org
Private military and security companies (PMSCs) have become a key factor in international
security, increasingly performing tasks that were formerly executed by military forces of the …
security, increasingly performing tasks that were formerly executed by military forces of the …