A framework for the initial occupation of the Americas
DB Madsen - PaleoAmerica, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
A substantial amount of archaeological data suggests groups with markedly different lithic
technologies and subsistence adaptations were widespread throughout both American …
technologies and subsistence adaptations were widespread throughout both American …
Archaeological survey, paleogeography, and the search for Late Pleistocene Paleocoastal peoples of Santa Rosa Island, California
Abstract The northern Pacific Coast is an important area for understanding human
colonization of the Americas, but Late Pleistocene coastal sites are rare and interglacial sea …
colonization of the Americas, but Late Pleistocene coastal sites are rare and interglacial sea …
[KNYGA][B] Заселение человеком Нового Света: опыт комплексного исследования
СА Васильев, ЮЕ Березкин, АГ Козинцев… - 2015 - elibrary.ru
Книга посвящена одной из главных проблем дописьменной истории–заселению
человеком Нового Света, древнейшим археологическим памятникам Америки, связям …
человеком Нового Света, древнейшим археологическим памятникам Америки, связям …
[KNYGA][B] Hunter-gatherer behavior: human response during the Younger Dryas
MI Eren - 2012 - books.google.com
A major global climate event called the Younger Dryas dramatically affected local
environments and human populations at the end of the Pleistocene. This volume is the first …
environments and human populations at the end of the Pleistocene. This volume is the first …
The Clovis landscape
VT Holliday, DS Miller - Paleoamerican odyssey, 2013 - books.google.com
Clovis is the most geographically extensive occupation of any time in the archaeological
record of the Americas. One aspect of this geographic diversity is the remarkable mobility …
record of the Americas. One aspect of this geographic diversity is the remarkable mobility …
Fire history on the California Channel Islands spanning human arrival in the Americas
Recent studies have suggested that the first arrival of humans in the Americas during the
end of the last Ice Age is associated with marked anthropogenic influences on landscape; in …
end of the last Ice Age is associated with marked anthropogenic influences on landscape; in …
Looking for the younger Dryas
DJ Meltzer, O Bar-Yosef - Hunter-Gatherer Behavior, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The Younger Dryas has been known since the mid-twentieth century as a distinctive climatic
phenomenon of Late Glacial Europe. Efforts to link climate change and culture change are …
phenomenon of Late Glacial Europe. Efforts to link climate change and culture change are …
Kelp forests, coastal migrations, and the younger dryas: Late Pleistocene and earliest Holocene human settlement, subsistence, and ecology on California's Channel …
Several islands in the Mediterranean appear to have been colonized during the Younger
Dryas, as well as the first secure evidence for human settlement on California's Channel …
Dryas, as well as the first secure evidence for human settlement on California's Channel …
[KNYGA][B] Geoarchaeological investigations into paleoindian adaptations on the Aucilla River, Northwest Florida
JJ Halligan - 2012 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation addresses how Paleoindians used the karst drainage of the Aucilla River in
northwestern Florida during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (approximately 15-10,000 …
northwestern Florida during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (approximately 15-10,000 …
Paleoecology of a ciénega at the Mockingbird Gap Site, Chupadera Draw, New Mexico
MR Palacios-Fest, VT Holliday - Quaternary Research, 2018 - cambridge.org
The Mockingbird Gap Clovis site is a surface archaeological site located along Chupadera
Draw in central New Mexico. Coring of the draw during archaeological investigation of the …
Draw in central New Mexico. Coring of the draw during archaeological investigation of the …