Intricacies of the Himalayan seismotectonics and seismogenesis: need for integrated research
OP Mishra - Current Science, 2014 - JSTOR
The'Science of Himalaya'is a record of the most dramatic and visible creations of modern
plate tectonic forces with hidden mystery of mantle dynamics, showing present-day …
plate tectonic forces with hidden mystery of mantle dynamics, showing present-day …
A review of operational earthquake forecasting methodologies using linguistic fuzzy rule-based models from imprecise data with weighted regression approach
It is, by now, well recognized that earthquake disaster analysis always yields some amount
of “impreciseness” or “vagueness” or “fuzziness” due to heterogeneity in the underlying …
of “impreciseness” or “vagueness” or “fuzziness” due to heterogeneity in the underlying …
[PDF][PDF] Seismological research in India
OP Mishra - Proceeds. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad. Publication (PINSA), 2012 - researchgate.net
The recent seismological research and studies in India are dominated by 1) studies on the
spatio-temporal aspects of seismogenesis and seismotectonics of the Himalaya and its …
spatio-temporal aspects of seismogenesis and seismotectonics of the Himalaya and its …
Machine learning modelling for the ultrasonication-mediated disruption of recombinant E. coli for the efficient release of nitrilase
KD Bhilare, MD Patil, S Tangadpalliwar, A Shinde… - Ultrasonics, 2019 - Elsevier
The ultrasonication-mediated cell disruption of recombinant E. coli was modeled using three
machine learning techniques namely Multiple linear regression (MLR), Multi-layer …
machine learning techniques namely Multiple linear regression (MLR), Multi-layer …
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geophysics
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geophysics | SpringerLink Skip to main content
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Комплекс для моніторингу інтенсивності землетрусів та оцінки наслідків на базі сенсорів IoT
МО Жуланов - 2024 - krs.chmnu.edu.ua
Актуальністю теми є дефіцит систем та засобів моніторингу сейсмічної активності у
сучасному світі. Землетруси є одними з найбільш руйнівних природних катастроф, які …
сучасному світі. Землетруси є одними з найбільш руйнівних природних катастроф, які …
[PDF][PDF] Design and Development of an earthquake warning system module using Electronic sensor for tilt identification and low frequency sensing analysis
PK Dutta - Erasmus Mundus Leaders Post-Doctoral Research … - researchgate.net
The proposed work involves identification of a filter that can identify strong earthquakes
characterized by lower frequencies than medium size earthquakes, are able to excite …
characterized by lower frequencies than medium size earthquakes, are able to excite …
[PDF][PDF] A Specialized Hardware Based Design for Earthquake Warning Design and Identification of the Sensing Area Module in Remote Areas: A Practical Approach
PK Dutta - International Journal of Research, 2016 - researchgate.net
The main aim of the proposed study is to design a cost effective earthquake warning sensor
based on time critical electronic control module designed by using proposed hardware …
based on time critical electronic control module designed by using proposed hardware …
OP Mishra1, Neloy Khare2, Sweta Baidya Das3, Vikas Kumar1, Jagvir Singh2, Vandana1, Priya Singh1, M. Ghatak4, Shashank Shekhar1, Anurag Tiwari1, Sasi Kiran …
R Mahto, P Gusain - … Present and Past Arctic Environments: An …, 2021 - books.google.com
Most interestingly, glaciers simply represent the existence of ice on a landscape for years,
and it is defined as a thicker ice mass, which originates through the accumulation of ice …
and it is defined as a thicker ice mass, which originates through the accumulation of ice …
Analysis of Spatial Data and Time Series for Predicting Magnitude of Seismic Zones in Bangladesh
S Md Tanzim, S Yeasmin, MA Hussain… - Artificial Intelligence and …, 2019 - Springer
The paper demonstrates the use of clustering to find different sensitive seismic zones and
time series for the earthquake hazard prediction. Anticipating seismic activities using …
time series for the earthquake hazard prediction. Anticipating seismic activities using …