Intricacies of the Himalayan seismotectonics and seismogenesis: need for integrated research

OP Mishra - Current Science, 2014 - JSTOR
The'Science of Himalaya'is a record of the most dramatic and visible creations of modern
plate tectonic forces with hidden mystery of mantle dynamics, showing present-day …

A review of operational earthquake forecasting methodologies using linguistic fuzzy rule-based models from imprecise data with weighted regression approach

PK Dutta, OP Mishra, MK Naskar - 2013 -
It is, by now, well recognized that earthquake disaster analysis always yields some amount
of “impreciseness” or “vagueness” or “fuzziness” due to heterogeneity in the underlying …

[PDF][PDF] Seismological research in India

OP Mishra - Proceeds. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad. Publication (PINSA), 2012 -
The recent seismological research and studies in India are dominated by 1) studies on the
spatio-temporal aspects of seismogenesis and seismotectonics of the Himalaya and its …

Machine learning modelling for the ultrasonication-mediated disruption of recombinant E. coli for the efficient release of nitrilase

KD Bhilare, MD Patil, S Tangadpalliwar, A Shinde… - Ultrasonics, 2019 - Elsevier
The ultrasonication-mediated cell disruption of recombinant E. coli was modeled using three
machine learning techniques namely Multiple linear regression (MLR), Multi-layer …

Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geophysics

A Hajian, P Styles, A Hajian, P Styles - Application of Soft Computing and …, 2018 - Springer
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Geophysics | SpringerLink Skip to main content
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Комплекс для моніторингу інтенсивності землетрусів та оцінки наслідків на базі сенсорів IoT

МО Жуланов - 2024 -
Актуальністю теми є дефіцит систем та засобів моніторингу сейсмічної активності у
сучасному світі. Землетруси є одними з найбільш руйнівних природних катастроф, які …

[PDF][PDF] Design and Development of an earthquake warning system module using Electronic sensor for tilt identification and low frequency sensing analysis

PK Dutta - Erasmus Mundus Leaders Post-Doctoral Research … -
The proposed work involves identification of a filter that can identify strong earthquakes
characterized by lower frequencies than medium size earthquakes, are able to excite …

[PDF][PDF] A Specialized Hardware Based Design for Earthquake Warning Design and Identification of the Sensing Area Module in Remote Areas: A Practical Approach

PK Dutta - International Journal of Research, 2016 -
The main aim of the proposed study is to design a cost effective earthquake warning sensor
based on time critical electronic control module designed by using proposed hardware …

OP Mishra1, Neloy Khare2, Sweta Baidya Das3, Vikas Kumar1, Jagvir Singh2, Vandana1, Priya Singh1, M. Ghatak4, Shashank Shekhar1, Anurag Tiwari1, Sasi Kiran …

R Mahto, P Gusain - … Present and Past Arctic Environments: An …, 2021 -
Most interestingly, glaciers simply represent the existence of ice on a landscape for years,
and it is defined as a thicker ice mass, which originates through the accumulation of ice …

Analysis of Spatial Data and Time Series for Predicting Magnitude of Seismic Zones in Bangladesh

S Md Tanzim, S Yeasmin, MA Hussain… - Artificial Intelligence and …, 2019 - Springer
The paper demonstrates the use of clustering to find different sensitive seismic zones and
time series for the earthquake hazard prediction. Anticipating seismic activities using …