Foundations of context-aware preference propagation

P Ciaccia, D Martinenghi, R Torlone - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2020 -
Preferences are a fundamental ingredient in a variety of fields, ranging from economics to
computer science, for deciding the best choices among possible alternatives. Contexts …

Mcore: Multi-agent collaborative learning for knowledge-graph-enhanced recommendation

X Li, Y Shen, L Chen - 2021 IEEE International Conference on …, 2021 -
Recently, knowledge-graph-enhanced recommendation systems have attracted much
attention, since knowledge graph (KG) can help improving the dataset quality and offering …

Context awareness in pervasive information management

F Colace, V Moscato, E Quintarelli, E Rabosio… - Data Management in …, 2015 - Springer
Context has been defined as the knowledge that can be used to characterize the situation of
any entity that is relevant for the (pervasive) system under consideration: given a target …

Preference based term weighting for arabic fiqh document ranking

KFH Holle, AZ Arifin… - Journal of Computer …, 2015 -
In document retrieval, besides the suitability of query with search results, there is also a
subjective user assessment that is expected to be a deciding factor in document ranking …

Realidad aumentada bajo tecnología móvil basada en el contexto aplicada a destinos turísticos

JL Leiva-Olivencia - 2014 -
En este trabajo se define un marco para la personalización de contenidos turísticos
mediante sistemas de recomendación contextuales en un sistema de realidad aumentada …

Adaptive query relaxation and top-k result ranking over autonomous web databases

X Meng, X Zhang, Y Tang, C Bi - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2017 - Springer
Internet users may suffer the empty or too little answer problem when they post a strict query
to the Web database. To address this problem, we develop a general framework to enable …

[PDF][PDF] Realidad aumentada bajo tecnología móvil basada en el contexto aplicada a destinos turísticos

JLL Olivencia - Málaga, España, 2014 -
Sorensen, 2007). Las empresas y los destinos turísticos deben ofrecer nuevos instrumentos
y herramientas (Buhalis y Law, 2008), además deben estar en continua adaptación a los …

Adaptive query relaxation and result categorization based on data distribution and query context.

X Zhang, X Meng, Y Tang, C Bi - Journal of Information …, 2017 -
To address the empty and/or many answer problem of Web database query, this paper
proposes a general framework to enable automatically query relaxation and result …

Aufgabengerechte Informationsbereitstellung in Zeiten von Big Data

M Pospiech - … für ein Informationsmanagement/von Marco Pospiech.-, 2019 - Springer
Um den drastischen Anstieg an verfügbaren Daten zu versinnbildlichen, hat sich in den
letzten Jahren das Synonym Big Data in der praktischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion …

ADaPT: automatic data personalization based on contextual preferences

A Miele, E Quintarelli, E Rabosio… - 2014 IEEE 30th …, 2014 -
This demo presents a framework for personalizing data access on the basis of the users'
context and of the preferences they show while in that context. The system is composed of (i) …