[ספר][B] Freezing fertility: Oocyte cryopreservation and the gender politics of aging
L Van de Wiel - 2020 - library.oapen.org
Welcomed as liberation and dismissed as exploitation, egg freezing (oocyte
cryopreservation) has rapidly become one of the most widely-discussed and influential new …
cryopreservation) has rapidly become one of the most widely-discussed and influential new …
“I must have done something good”: Justifying luxury consumption with karmic beliefs
Existing research has shown that a belief in karma may negatively affect luxury consumption
because people may avoid “sinful” consumption of expensive products as a result of karmic …
because people may avoid “sinful” consumption of expensive products as a result of karmic …
Exploring the Relationship between Consumer Knowledge and Skepticism towards Pro-Environmental Advertising: An Empirical Investigation
This study investigates the potential impact of consumer knowledge on inclination toward
skepticism about pro-environmental advertising. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model …
skepticism about pro-environmental advertising. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model …
“I deserve a break!”: How temporal landmarks and the perception of deservingness influence consumers' travel motivation and intention
This study investigates the impact of temporal landmarks on consumers' travel motivation
and intention through three experimental studies. Results demonstrate that being reminded …
and intention through three experimental studies. Results demonstrate that being reminded …
It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences
Across three experiments, we examined the impact of both corporate social responsibility
(CSR) and corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) on consumer taste evaluations. The …
(CSR) and corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) on consumer taste evaluations. The …
You deserve the bad (or good) service: the role of moral deservingness in observers' reactions to service failure (or excellence)
Purpose This paper aims to examine how observers evaluate a company that provides
service failure (or excellence) to an immoral versus a moral customer. This study introduces …
service failure (or excellence) to an immoral versus a moral customer. This study introduces …
Guiding the consumer evaluation process and the probability of order-effects-in-choice
Past research has demonstrated the robustness of order-effects-in-choice (ie,
disproportionate preference for the first and last item in a choice set). Even high product …
disproportionate preference for the first and last item in a choice set). Even high product …
Evidence of a processing advantage for deservingness-relevant information
We investigated processing speed for deservingness-relevant versus deservingness-
irrelevant information. Female students read stories involving deserved, undeserved, or …
irrelevant information. Female students read stories involving deserved, undeserved, or …
Taxonomy of digital signage message execution and media placement considerations
Digital signage is a commercial promising field in marketing. Yet, it is a little researched
topic, with an incomplete understanding of the factors to consider when planning digital …
topic, with an incomplete understanding of the factors to consider when planning digital …
The Retail and Marketing Review Retail and marketing journal
M Malek, N Ligaraba - retailandmarketingreview.co.za
The purpose of this study is to examine how fashion bloggers can influence Generation Y's
online behaviour. Fashion blogs give the fashion industry a unique opportunity to reach out …
online behaviour. Fashion blogs give the fashion industry a unique opportunity to reach out …