[ספר][B] Freezing fertility: Oocyte cryopreservation and the gender politics of aging

L Van de Wiel - 2020‏ - library.oapen.org
Welcomed as liberation and dismissed as exploitation, egg freezing (oocyte
cryopreservation) has rapidly become one of the most widely-discussed and influential new …

“I must have done something good”: Justifying luxury consumption with karmic beliefs

T Mo, YN Cho, N Wong - Journal of Business Research, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Existing research has shown that a belief in karma may negatively affect luxury consumption
because people may avoid “sinful” consumption of expensive products as a result of karmic …

Exploring the Relationship between Consumer Knowledge and Skepticism towards Pro-Environmental Advertising: An Empirical Investigation

J Lee, HJ Cheong - KOME, 2024‏ - folyoirat.ludovika.hu
This study investigates the potential impact of consumer knowledge on inclination toward
skepticism about pro-environmental advertising. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model …

“I deserve a break!”: How temporal landmarks and the perception of deservingness influence consumers' travel motivation and intention

Q Li, L Yu - Travel and Lifestyle, 2021‏ - taylorfrancis.com
This study investigates the impact of temporal landmarks on consumers' travel motivation
and intention through three experimental studies. Results demonstrate that being reminded …

It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences

T Green, J Peloza, A Mantonakis… - Canadian Journal of …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Across three experiments, we examined the impact of both corporate social responsibility
(CSR) and corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) on consumer taste evaluations. The …

You deserve the bad (or good) service: the role of moral deservingness in observers' reactions to service failure (or excellence)

M Palmeira, M Koo, HA Sung - European Journal of Marketing, 2022‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to examine how observers evaluate a company that provides
service failure (or excellence) to an immoral versus a moral customer. This study introduces …

Guiding the consumer evaluation process and the probability of order-effects-in-choice

M Philp, A Mantonakis - Journal of Business Research, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Past research has demonstrated the robustness of order-effects-in-choice (ie,
disproportionate preference for the first and last item in a choice set). Even high product …

Evidence of a processing advantage for deservingness-relevant information

CL Hafer, CE Drolet, EE Davis… - Social …, 2019‏ - econtent.hogrefe.com
We investigated processing speed for deservingness-relevant versus deservingness-
irrelevant information. Female students read stories involving deserved, undeserved, or …

Taxonomy of digital signage message execution and media placement considerations

EM Xaba, AT Roux, GAP Drotsky - The Retail and Marketing Review, 2020‏ - journals.co.za
Digital signage is a commercial promising field in marketing. Yet, it is a little researched
topic, with an incomplete understanding of the factors to consider when planning digital …

The Retail and Marketing Review Retail and marketing journal

M Malek, N Ligaraba‏ - retailandmarketingreview.co.za
The purpose of this study is to examine how fashion bloggers can influence Generation Y's
online behaviour. Fashion blogs give the fashion industry a unique opportunity to reach out …