Methodological and theoretical advancements in social impacts of tourism research

KM Woosnam, MA Ribeiro - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
This lead article introduces the double special issue dedicated to methodological and
theoretical advancements in social impacts of tourism research. We begin by providing an …

Community attachment, tourism impacts, quality of life and residents' support for sustainable tourism development

S Eslami, Z Khalifah, A Mardani… - Journal of Travel & …, 2019‏ - Taylor & Francis
This study examined the formation of residents' support for sustainable tourism development
based on the social exchange theory and bottom-up spillover theory. A self-administered …

# ILoveLondon: An exploration of the declaration of love towards a destination on Instagram

R Filieri, DA Yen, Q Yu - Tourism Management, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Travellers increasingly use a combination of photographs, texts and hashtags to expressing
their attitude towards tourism destinations (TDs). Existing destination branding literature has …

Sustainable tourism policy, destination management and sustainable tourism development: A moderated-mediation model

MR Khan, HUR Khan, CK Lim, KL Tan, MF Ahmed - Sustainability, 2021‏ -
In the recent years, the rapid growth of the tourism industry has risen to prominence as a
global concern. Tourism empowers communities and uplifts the economy. However, it poses …

Visitors' place attachment and destination loyalty: Examining the roles of emotional solidarity and perceived safety

V Patwardhan, MA Ribeiro, V Payini… - Journal of travel …, 2020‏ -
Hosting ethnically and culturally rich religious festivals provides visitors a glimpse into how a
sense of togetherness and faith are not only established but strengthened through shared …

Exploring resident–tourist interaction and its impact on tourists' destination image

D Stylidis - Journal of Travel Research, 2022‏ -
Although previous research has widely acknowledged the critical role residents play in
tourism, limited evidence exists on the impact their interactions with tourists have on tourists' …

Explaining conative destination image through cognitive and affective destination image and emotional solidarity with residents

KM Woosnam, D Stylidis, M Ivkov - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2020‏ - Taylor & Francis
It is nearly impossible to consider a destination without also acknowledging its people as
well as the relationship visitors have with such residents. Employing a hierarchical structure …

Considering emotional solidarity and the theory of planned behavior in explaining behavioral intentions to support tourism development

E Erul, KM Woosnam, WA McIntosh - Journal of Sustainable …, 2020‏ - Taylor & Francis
Though the tourism literature has experienced no shortage of research surrounding
residents' attitudinal support for tourism and tourism development, seldom has work focused …

Place-oriented or people-oriented concepts for destination loyalty: Destination image and place attachment versus perceived distances and emotional solidarity

ADA Tasci, A Uslu, D Stylidis… - Journal of travel …, 2022‏ -
Many studies have modeled several different concepts to explain destination loyalty;
however, none have integrated place-oriented (eg, destination image, place attachment) …

Residents' attitudes and the adoption of pro-tourism behaviours: The case of develo** island countries

MA Ribeiro, P Pinto, JA Silva, KM Woosnam - Tourism Management, 2017‏ - Elsevier
This study considers both economic and non-economic factors to examine how residents
perceive tourism and ultimately develop pro-tourism behaviour. The concepts used in model …