Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment—part I: a critical review of existing methods
Purpose The safeguard subject of the Area of Protection “natural Resources,” particularly
regarding mineral resources, has long been debated. Consequently, a variety of life cycle …
regarding mineral resources, has long been debated. Consequently, a variety of life cycle …
[HTML][HTML] Attributional & consequential life cycle assessment: definitions, conceptual characteristics and modelling restrictions
To assess the potential environmental impact of human/industrial systems, life cycle
assessment (LCA) is a very common method. There are two prominent types of LCA, namely …
assessment (LCA) is a very common method. There are two prominent types of LCA, namely …
The path to sustainable energy supply systems: Proposal of an integrative sustainability assessment framework
A Buchmayr, E Verhofstadt, L Van Ootegem… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
Energy supply is essential for the functioning and well-being of a society. Decision-makers
are faced with the challenge to balance burdens and benefits of energy supply practices …
are faced with the challenge to balance burdens and benefits of energy supply practices …
[HTML][HTML] Absolute sustainability: Challenges to life cycle engineering
The global society faces huge challenges to meet the expanding needs of a growing
population within the constraints posed by a climate crisis and a strongly accelerated loss of …
population within the constraints posed by a climate crisis and a strongly accelerated loss of …
Development of a new photoelectrochemical system for clean hydrogen production and a comparative environmental impact assessment with other production …
Hydrogen is recognized as a critical substance for diversifying the global energy supply,
providing new economic opportunities and realizing a carbon-free energy sector. In the …
providing new economic opportunities and realizing a carbon-free energy sector. In the …
[HTML][HTML] The recyclability benefit rate of closed-loop and open-loop systems: A case study on plastic recycling in Flanders
S Huysman, S Debaveye, T Schaubroeck… - Resources …, 2015 - Elsevier
Over the last few years, waste management strategies are shifting from waste disposal to
recycling and recovery and are considering waste as a potential new resource. To monitor …
recycling and recovery and are considering waste as a potential new resource. To monitor …
Rethinking the area of protection “natural resources” in life cycle assessment
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) in classical life cycle assessment (LCA) aims at
analyzing potential impacts of products and services typically on three so-called areas of …
analyzing potential impacts of products and services typically on three so-called areas of …
[HTML][HTML] Toward a systematized framework for resource efficiency indicators
The transition toward resource efficient production and consumption patterns is currently
one of the main challenges in engineering, environmental science and especially in …
one of the main challenges in engineering, environmental science and especially in …
Accounting for land use in life cycle assessment: the value of NPP as a proxy indicator to assess land use impacts on ecosystems
Terrestrial land and its resources are finite, though, for economic and socio-cultural needs of
humans, these natural resources are further exploited. It highlights the need to quantify the …
humans, these natural resources are further exploited. It highlights the need to quantify the …
Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment
T Sonderegger, J Dewulf, P Fantke… - … International Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
Purpose In this paper, we summarize the discussion and present the findings of an expert
group effort under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme …
group effort under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme …