A large-scale longitudinal study of syntactic complexity development in EFL writing: A mixed-effects model approach
L Lei, J Wen, X Yang - Journal of Second Language Writing, 2023 - Elsevier
This study examined the longitudinal development of syntactic complexity with a large-scale
corpus of EFL (English as a foreign language) compositions written by the same group of …
corpus of EFL (English as a foreign language) compositions written by the same group of …
Syntactic complexity and writing quality in assessed first-year L2 writing
JE Casal, JJ Lee - Journal of Second Language Writing, 2019 - Elsevier
This study explores the relationship between syntactic complexity and writing quality in
assessed source-based research papers produced by ESL undergraduate writers in a first …
assessed source-based research papers produced by ESL undergraduate writers in a first …
Syntactic complexity in English as a lingua franca academic writing
X Wu, A Mauranen, L Lei - Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2020 - Elsevier
This study complements previous research on linguistic features of English as a lingua
franca (ELF) from a syntactic complexity perspective. Specifically, the present study seeks to …
franca (ELF) from a syntactic complexity perspective. Specifically, the present study seeks to …
Calling for more consistency, refinement, and critical consideration in the use of syntactic complexity measures for writing
In the past two decades, syntactic complexity measures (eg the length or number of words
per clause/t-unit/sentences and number of clauses per t-unit/sentence, and types of clauses …
per clause/t-unit/sentences and number of clauses per t-unit/sentence, and types of clauses …
Examining factors influencing e-learning engagement among university students during covid-19 pandemic: A mediating role of “learning persistence”
The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 made universities switch rapidly to e-learning, which
enabled continuous access to education. Thus, the evaluation of e-learning engagement is …
enabled continuous access to education. Thus, the evaluation of e-learning engagement is …
Syntactic complexity in translated and non-translated texts: A corpus-based study of simplification
This study approaches the investigation of the simplification hypotheses in corpus-based
translation studies from a syntactic complexity perspective. The research is based on two …
translation studies from a syntactic complexity perspective. The research is based on two …
The reliability and validity of automated tools for examining variation in syntactic complexity across genres
This study investigates two automated systems, the L2 syntactic complexity analyzer (SCA)
and Coh‐Metrix, for their analysis of English syntactic complexity as a way to capture …
and Coh‐Metrix, for their analysis of English syntactic complexity as a way to capture …
Syntactic complexity of research article part-genres: Differences between emerging and expert international publication writers
This study investigated the differences between emerging and expert international
publication (IP) writers' engagement with syntactic complexity in seven research article (RA) …
publication (IP) writers' engagement with syntactic complexity in seven research article (RA) …
Connecting to learn, learning to connect: Thinking together in asynchronous forum discussion
J Delahunty - Linguistics and Education, 2018 - Elsevier
This article combines a sociocultural model of classroom talk with a linguistically-oriented
model (systemic functional linguistics) to explore what characterizes effective asynchronous …
model (systemic functional linguistics) to explore what characterizes effective asynchronous …
Complexity, accuracy, and fluency in L2 writing across proficiency levels: A matter of L1 background?
While there have been studies that explored complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) as an
index of language proficiency, studies that comprehensively examined the inter-variations in …
index of language proficiency, studies that comprehensively examined the inter-variations in …