Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics learning through Math-Island
Conventional teacher-led instruction remains dominant in most elementary mathematics
classrooms in Taiwan. Under such instruction, the teacher can rarely take care of all …
classrooms in Taiwan. Under such instruction, the teacher can rarely take care of all …
The missing link: The parental voice in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs
This paper reports on the parental perspective on one school's implementation of a Bring
Your Own Device (BYOD) Program to ensure students had access to a personalized …
Your Own Device (BYOD) Program to ensure students had access to a personalized …
Parent's experience in remote learning during COVID-19 with digital and physical mathematical modelling
In reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg suspended in-school
teaching and learning towards remote teaching. A survey conducted by the Ministry of …
teaching and learning towards remote teaching. A survey conducted by the Ministry of …
Bring your own device (BYOD): Students perception—Privacy issues: A new trend in education?
Bring your own device (BYOD) studies the benefits and impacts of allowing the employees
to bring their technological devices to their workplaces. This topic has been studied in …
to bring their technological devices to their workplaces. This topic has been studied in …
Engaging parents in their child's learning and wellbeing: Change, continuity, and COVID-19
Educators in schools are accustomed to managing ever-constant change. The COVID-19
pandemic however precipitated change in schools on a scale and pace not previously …
pandemic however precipitated change in schools on a scale and pace not previously …
Parents' Perceptions of the Compliance of the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) during COVID-19 Impacted Remote Learning: A Qualitative Case Study
L Wilson-Wynter - 2022 - search.proquest.com
School closure during the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to
students with disabilities and their families as parents struggled to support their students with …
students with disabilities and their families as parents struggled to support their students with …
Exploring parent-teacher communication through technology: A case study
SD Tyson - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Fostering communication between parents and teachers can be essential in monitoring
students' progress and improving their academic performance. Despite the importance of …
students' progress and improving their academic performance. Despite the importance of …
Mindmap-supported writing model: The effect of mind map as a prewriting activities on elementary students' writing performances through private social network …
The challenges in the writing classroom are caused by the lack of writing process in the
conventional writing classroom. Writing goals should not focus on evaluation but for …
conventional writing classroom. Writing goals should not focus on evaluation but for …
Upaya Pelibatan Orang Tua Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Sekolah Dasar Lazuardi Tursina Banyuwangi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan upaya pelibatan orang tua selama proses
pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas di SD Lazuardi Tursina Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini …
pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas di SD Lazuardi Tursina Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini …
[PDF][PDF] Parent's Perspectives: The Use of Augmented Reality, Digital and Physical Mathematical Modelling in Remote Teaching in Elementary School
In reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Luxemburgish government suspended in-school
teaching and learning towards remote teaching. A survey conducted by the Ministry of …
teaching and learning towards remote teaching. A survey conducted by the Ministry of …