Reconciling inconsistencies in precipitation–productivity relationships: implications for climate change
Precipitation (PPT) is a primary climatic determinant of plant growth and aboveground net
primary production (ANPP) over much of the globe. Thus, PPT–ANPP relationships are …
primary production (ANPP) over much of the globe. Thus, PPT–ANPP relationships are …
Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management
Wetlands are often considered as nature-based solutions that can provide a multitude of
services of great social, economic and environmental value to humankind. Changes in land …
services of great social, economic and environmental value to humankind. Changes in land …
Soil organic carbon response to global environmental change depends on its distribution between mineral-associated and particulate organic matter: A meta-analysis
Soil organic carbon (SOC), as the largest terrestrial carbon pool, plays an important role in
global carbon (C) cycling, which may be significantly impacted by global changes such as …
global carbon (C) cycling, which may be significantly impacted by global changes such as …
Sensitivity of decomposition rates of soil organic matter with respect to simultaneous changes in temperature and moisture
The sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition to global environmental change is a
topic of prominent relevance for the global carbon cycle. Decomposition depends on …
topic of prominent relevance for the global carbon cycle. Decomposition depends on …
Twenty years of progress, challenges, and opportunities in measuring and understanding soil respiration
Soil respiration (Rs), the soil‐to‐atmosphere flux of CO2, is a dominant but uncertain part of
the carbon cycle, even after decades of study. This review focuses on progress in …
the carbon cycle, even after decades of study. This review focuses on progress in …
Responses of ecosystem carbon cycle to experimental warming: a meta‐analysis
Global warming potentially alters the terrestrial carbon (C) cycle, likely feeding back to
further climate warming. However, how the ecosystem C cycle responds and feeds back to …
further climate warming. However, how the ecosystem C cycle responds and feeds back to …
A plant's perspective of extremes: terrestrial plant responses to changing climatic variability
We review observational, experimental, and model results on how plants respond to
extreme climatic conditions induced by changing climatic variability. Distinguishing between …
extreme climatic conditions induced by changing climatic variability. Distinguishing between …
Precipitation manipulation experiments–challenges and recommendations for the future
Climatic changes, including altered precipitation regimes, will affect key ecosystem
processes, such as plant productivity and biodiversity for many terrestrial ecosystems. Past …
processes, such as plant productivity and biodiversity for many terrestrial ecosystems. Past …
Characterizing differences in precipitation regimes of extreme wet and dry years: implications for climate change experiments
Climate change is intensifying the hydrologic cycle and is expected to increase the
frequency of extreme wet and dry years. Beyond precipitation amount, extreme wet and dry …
frequency of extreme wet and dry years. Beyond precipitation amount, extreme wet and dry …
Impacts of extreme precipitation and seasonal changes in precipitation on plants
The global hydrological cycle is predicted to become more intense in future climates, with
both larger precipitation events and longer times between events in some regions …
both larger precipitation events and longer times between events in some regions …