[HTML][HTML] A review of the relation between species traits and extinction risk

F Chichorro, A Juslén, P Cardoso - Biological Conservation, 2019 - Elsevier
Biodiversity is shrinking rapidly, and despite our efforts only a small part of it has been
assessed for extinction risk. Identifying the traits that make species vulnerable might help us …

Global trends in bumble bee health

SA Cameron, BM Sadd - Annual review of entomology, 2020 - annualreviews.org
Bumble bees (Bombus) are unusually important pollinators, with approximately 260 wild
species native to all biogeographic regions except sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, and New …

[HTML][HTML] Worldwide occurrence records suggest a global decline in bee species richness

EE Zattara, MA Aizen - One Earth, 2021 - cell.com
Wild and managed bees are key pollinators, ensuring or enhancing the reproduction of a
large fraction of the world's wild flowering plants and the yield of∼ 85% of all cultivated …

Climate change contributes to widespread declines among bumble bees across continents

P Soroye, T Newbold, J Kerr - Science, 2020 - science.org
Climate change could increase species' extinction risk as temperatures and precipitation
begin to exceed species' historically observed tolerances. Using long-term data for 66 …

Agriculturally dominated landscapes reduce bee phylogenetic diversity and pollination services

H Grab, MG Branstetter, N Amon, KR Urban-Mead… - Science, 2019 - science.org
Land-use change threatens global biodiversity and may reshape the tree of life by favoring
some lineages over others. Whether phylogenetic diversity loss compromises ecosystem …

Sociality is a key driver of foraging ranges in bees

C Grüter, L Hayes - Current Biology, 2022 - cell.com
Bees are important pollinators of wild and agricultural plants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and there is
increasing evidence that many bee populations decline due to a combination of habitat loss …

The state of bee monitoring in the United States: A call to refocus away from bowl traps and towards more effective methods

ZM Portman, B Bruninga-Socolar… - Annals of the …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Effective monitoring is necessary to provide robust detection of bee declines. In the United
States and worldwide, bowl traps have been increasingly used to monitor native bees and …

Microplastic polystyrene ingestion promotes the susceptibility of honeybee to viral infection

Y Deng, X Jiang, H Zhao, S Yang, J Gao… - … science & technology, 2021 - ACS Publications
Microplastics (MPs) are an emerging threat to ecological conservation and biodiversity;
however, little is known of the types and possible impacts of MPs in pollinators. To examine …

Global effects of extreme temperatures on wild bumblebees

B Martinet, S Dellicour, G Ghisbain… - Conservation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Climate plays a key role in sha** population trends and determining the geographic
distribution of species because of limits in species' thermal tolerance. An evaluation of …

Risks to pollinators and pollination from invasive alien species

AJ Vanbergen, A Espíndola, MA Aizen - Nature ecology & evolution, 2018 - nature.com
Invasive alien species modify pollinator biodiversity and the services they provide that
underpin ecosystem function and human well-being. Building on the Intergovernmental …