The complexity of routing problems in forbidden-transition graphs and edge-colored graphs
The notion of forbidden-transition graphs allows for a robust generalization of walks in
graphs. In a forbidden-transition graph, every pair of edges incident to a common vertex is …
graphs. In a forbidden-transition graph, every pair of edges incident to a common vertex is …
Graph problems with obligations
A Cornet, C Laforest - International Conference on Combinatorial …, 2018 - Springer
In this paper we study variants of well-known graph problems: vertex cover, connected
vertex cover, dominating set, total dominating set, independent dominating set, spanning …
vertex cover, dominating set, total dominating set, independent dominating set, spanning …
Total domination, connected vertex cover and Steiner tree with conflicts
A Cornet, C Laforest - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical …, 2017 - dmtcs.episciences.org
Total dominating set, connected vertex cover and Steiner tree are well-known graph
problems. Despite the fact that they are NP-complete to optimize, it is easy (even trivial) to …
problems. Despite the fact that they are NP-complete to optimize, it is easy (even trivial) to …
An efficient branch-and-bound algorithm for the one-to-many shortest path problem with additional disjunctive conflict constraints
B Pamuk, T Öncan, İK Altınel - European Journal of Operational Research, 2025 - Elsevier
In this work we study an extension of the ordinary one-to-many shortest path problem that
also considers additional disjunctive conflict relations between the arcs: an optimal shortest …
also considers additional disjunctive conflict relations between the arcs: an optimal shortest …
[HTML][HTML] Domination problems with no conflicts
A Cornet, C Laforest - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2018 - Elsevier
Domination problems have been studied in graph theory for decades. In most of them, it is
NP-complete to find an optimal solution, while it is easy (and even trivial in some cases) to …
NP-complete to find an optimal solution, while it is easy (and even trivial in some cases) to …
On the complexity of independent dominating set with obligations in graphs
C Laforest, T Martinod - Theoretical Computer Science, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract A subset D⊆ V is an independent (or stable) dominating set of a graph G=(V, E) if D
is an independent set (ie, there are no edges between vertices of D) and dominates all the …
is an independent set (ie, there are no edges between vertices of D) and dominates all the …
Introduction to routing problems with mandatory transitions
C Laforest, T Martinod - International Conference on Current Trends in …, 2023 - Springer
A sequence P of vertices v 1,…, vk from a directed graph (or digraph) D=(V, A) is a directed
route (or diroute) if (vi, vi+ 1)∈ A for 1≤ i≤ k-1. In this paper, we study a generalisation of …
route (or diroute) if (vi, vi+ 1)∈ A for 1≤ i≤ k-1. In this paper, we study a generalisation of …
Codon optimization by 0-1 linear programming
The problem of choosing an optimal codon sequence arises when synthetic protein-coding
genes are added to cloning vectors for expression within a non-native host organism: to …
genes are added to cloning vectors for expression within a non-native host organism: to …
On minimum connecting transition sets in graphs
T Bellitto, B Bergougnoux - … Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 44th …, 2018 - Springer
A forbidden transition graph is a graph defined together with a set of permitted transitions ie
unordered pair of adjacent edges that one may use consecutively in a walk in the graph. In …
unordered pair of adjacent edges that one may use consecutively in a walk in the graph. In …
Reachability in choice networks
In this paper, we investigate the problem of determining s− t reachability in choice networks.
In the traditional s− t reachability problem, we are given a weighted network tuple G=< V, E …
In the traditional s− t reachability problem, we are given a weighted network tuple G=< V, E …