Experimental certification of contextuality, coherence, and dimension in a programmable universal photonic processor
Quantum superposition of high-dimensional states enables both computational speed-up
and security in cryptographic protocols. However, the exponential complexity of tomographic …
and security in cryptographic protocols. However, the exponential complexity of tomographic …
A no-go theorem on the nature of the gravitational field beyond quantum theory
Recently, table-top experiments involving massive quantum systems have been proposed to
test the interface of quantum theory and gravity. In particular, the crucial point of the debate …
test the interface of quantum theory and gravity. In particular, the crucial point of the debate …
Linear program for testing nonclassicality and an open-source implementation
A well-motivated method for demonstrating that an experiment resists any classical
explanation is to show that its statistics violate generalized noncontextuality. We here …
explanation is to show that its statistics violate generalized noncontextuality. We here …
No-broadcasting characterizes operational contextuality
Operational contextuality forms a rapidly develo** subfield of quantum information theory.
However, the characterization of the quantum mechanical entities that fuel the phenomenon …
However, the characterization of the quantum mechanical entities that fuel the phenomenon …
Accessible fragments of generalized probabilistic theories, cone equivalence, and applications to witnessing nonclassicality
The formalism of generalized probabilistic theories (GPTs) was originally developed as a
way to characterize the landscape of conceivable physical theories. Thus, the GPT …
way to characterize the landscape of conceivable physical theories. Thus, the GPT …
Classifying causal structures: Ascertaining when classical correlations are constrained by inequalities
The classical causal relations between a set of variables, some observed and some latent,
can induce both equality constraints (typically conditional independencies) as well as …
can induce both equality constraints (typically conditional independencies) as well as …
Principle of information causality rationalizes quantum composition
The principle of information causality, proposed as a generalization of no signaling principle,
has efficiently been applied to outcast beyond quantum correlations as unphysical. In this …
has efficiently been applied to outcast beyond quantum correlations as unphysical. In this …
Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversible
When gravity is sourced by a quantum system, there is tension between its role as the
mediator of a fundamental interaction, which is expected to acquire nonclassical features …
mediator of a fundamental interaction, which is expected to acquire nonclassical features …
Framework for generalized Hamiltonian systems through reasonable postulates
Hamiltonian mechanics describes the evolution of a system through its Hamiltonian. The
Hamiltonian typically also represents the energy observable, a Noether-conserved quantity …
Hamiltonian typically also represents the energy observable, a Noether-conserved quantity …
Relating Wigner's Friend scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
Nonclassical causal modeling was developed in order to explain violations of Bell
inequalities while adhering to relativistic causal structure and $ faithfulness $---that is …
inequalities while adhering to relativistic causal structure and $ faithfulness $---that is …