From ecological opportunism to multi-crop**: Map** food globalisation in prehistory
Many of today's major food crops are distributed worldwide. While much of this 'food
globalisation'has resulted from modern trade networks, it has its roots in prehistory. In this …
globalisation'has resulted from modern trade networks, it has its roots in prehistory. In this …
Dispersal of crop-livestock and geographical-temporal variation of subsistence along the Steppe and Silk Roads across Eurasia in prehistory
The innovations of agricultural production and their extensive dispersal promoted the
transformation of human livelihoods and profoundly influenced the evolution of human-land …
transformation of human livelihoods and profoundly influenced the evolution of human-land …
Population genomics unravels the Holocene history of bread wheat and its relatives
Deep knowledge of crop biodiversity is essential to improving global food security. Despite
bread wheat serving as a keystone crop worldwide, the population history of bread wheat …
bread wheat serving as a keystone crop worldwide, the population history of bread wheat …
Exome sequencing highlights the role of wild-relative introgression in sha** the adaptive landscape of the wheat genome
Introgression is a potential source of beneficial genetic diversity. The contribution of
introgression to adaptive evolution and improvement of wheat as it was disseminated …
introgression to adaptive evolution and improvement of wheat as it was disseminated …
Human disturbances dominated the unprecedentedly high frequency of Yellow River flood over the last millennium
A warming climate may increase flood hazard through boosting the global hydrological
cycle. However, human impact through modifications to the river and its catchment is not …
cycle. However, human impact through modifications to the river and its catchment is not …
5,200-year-old cereal grains from the eastern Altai Mountains redate the trans-Eurasian crop exchange
Wheat and barley evolved from large-seeded annual grasses in the arid, low latitudes of
Asia; their spread into higher elevations and northern latitudes involved corresponding …
Asia; their spread into higher elevations and northern latitudes involved corresponding …
Origin and evolution of qingke barley in Tibet
Tibetan barley (Hordeum vulgare L., qingke) is the principal cereal cultivated on the Tibetan
Plateau for at least 3,500 years, but its origin and domestication remain unclear. Here …
Plateau for at least 3,500 years, but its origin and domestication remain unclear. Here …
Evolution of human–environmental interactions in China from the Late Paleolithic to the Bronze Age
G Dong, R Li, M Lu, D Zhang… - Progress in Physical …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Exploring prehistoric variation in human–environmental interaction is critical for
understanding the historical patterns and mechanisms of long-term human–land evolution …
understanding the historical patterns and mechanisms of long-term human–land evolution …
Major advances in studies of the physical geography and living environment of China during the past 70 years and future prospects
F Chen, B Fu, J **a, D Wu, S Wu, Y Zhang… - Science China Earth …, 2019 - Springer
The natural environment provides material essentials for human survival and development.
The characteristics, processes, regional differentiation and forcing mechanisms of the …
The characteristics, processes, regional differentiation and forcing mechanisms of the …
Discontinuous spread of millet agriculture in eastern Asia and prehistoric population dynamics
C Leipe, T Long, EA Sergusheva, M Wagner… - Science …, 2019 - science.org
Although broomcorn and foxtail millet are among the earliest staple crop domesticates, their
spread and impacts on demography remain controversial, mainly because of the use of …
spread and impacts on demography remain controversial, mainly because of the use of …