Multisensory processing in review: from physiology to behaviour

D Alais, F Newell, P Mamassian - Seeing and perceiving, 2010 -
Research in multisensory processes has exploded over the last decade. Tremendous
advances have been made in a variety of fields from single-unit neural recordings and …

The science behind virtual reality displays

P Scarfe, A Glennerster - Annual review of vision science, 2019 -
Virtual reality (VR) is becoming an increasingly important way to investigate sensory
processing. The converse is also true: in order to build good VR technologies, one needs an …

Suboptimality in perceptual decision making

D Rahnev, RN Denison - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2018 -
Human perceptual decisions are often described as optimal. Critics of this view have argued
that claims of optimality are overly flexible and lack explanatory power. Meanwhile …

Causal inference in multisensory perception

KP Körding, U Beierholm, WJ Ma, S Quartz… - PLoS one, 2007 -
Perceptual events derive their significance to an animal from their meaning about the world,
that is from the information they carry about their causes. The brain should thus be able to …

Relevance of error: what drives motor adaptation?

K Wei, K Kording - Journal of neurophysiology, 2009 -
During motor adaptation the nervous system constantly uses error information to improve
future movements. Today's mainstream models simply assume that the nervous system …

Bayesian integration of visual and vestibular signals for heading

JS Butler, ST Smith, JL Campos, HH Bülthoff - Journal of vision, 2010 -
Self-motion through an environment involves a composite of signals such as visual and
vestibular cues. Building upon previous results showing that visual and vestibular signals …

Optimal integration of shape information from vision and touch

HB Helbig, MO Ernst - Experimental brain research, 2007 - Springer
Many tasks can be carried out by using several sources of information. For example, an
object's size and shape can be judged based on visual as well as haptic cues. It has been …

The statistical determinants of adaptation rate in human reaching

J Burge, MO Ernst, MS Banks - Journal of vision, 2008 -
Rapid reaching to a target is generally accurate but also contains random and systematic
error. Random errors result from noise in visual measurement, motor planning, and reach …

Sensory dominance in combinations of audio, visual and haptic stimuli

D Hecht, M Reiner - Experimental brain research, 2009 - Springer
Participants presented with auditory, visual, or bi-sensory audio–visual stimuli in a speeded
discrimination task, fail to respond to the auditory component of the bi-sensory trials …

When correlation implies causation in multisensory integration

CV Parise, C Spence, MO Ernst - Current Biology, 2012 -
Inferring which signals have a common underlying cause, and hence should be integrated,
represents a primary challenge for a perceptual system dealing with multiple sensory inputs …