Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,908,984, 2014 - Google Patents
US8908984B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US8908984B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …
US8908984B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …
Classifying an image's compression level
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,452,110, 2013 - Google Patents
(60) PrOV1slonal app11catlon No. 61/248,521,? led on Oct.(on lnue) 5, 2009, provisional
application No. 61/253,872,? led Primary Examiner i lose Couso on OCt'22'2009' …
application No. 61/253,872,? led Primary Examiner i lose Couso on OCt'22'2009' …
Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 9,503,738, 2016 - Google Patents
US9503738B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US9503738B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …
US9503738B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …
Apparatus and methods for re-compression having a monotonic relationship between extent of compression and quality of compressed image
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,805,109, 2014 - Google Patents
PLC (57) ABSTRACT A computerized method for independent disjoint block-level
recompression of a first image generated by independent coding of disjoint blocks in a …
recompression of a first image generated by independent coding of disjoint blocks in a …
A locally adaptive system for the fusion of objective quality measures
Objective measures to automatically predict the perceptual quality of images or videos can
reduce the time and cost requirements of end-to-end quality monitoring. For reliable quality …
reduce the time and cost requirements of end-to-end quality monitoring. For reliable quality …
Image quality assessment using reduced-reference nonlinear model
D Borđević, D Kukolj, M Pokrić… - 2013 IEEE 11th …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a reduced-reference nonlinear model driven image quality scheme that
is based on a Neural Network statistical estimator, namely Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and …
is based on a Neural Network statistical estimator, namely Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and …
Interactive demonstrations of the locally adaptive fusion for combining objective quality measures
To automate quality monitoring of multimedia applications, objective quality measures for
images and video content need to be designed. Objective quality measures that model the …
images and video content need to be designed. Objective quality measures that model the …
Image quality assessment using Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model
D Đorđević, D Kukolj… - … Conference on Graphic …, 2015 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The main aim of the paper is to present a non-linear image quality assessment model based
on a fuzzy logic estimator, namely the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model. This image quality …
on a fuzzy logic estimator, namely the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model. This image quality …
Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 10,674,154, 2020 - Google Patents
US10674154B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google
Patents US10674154B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images …
Patents US10674154B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images …
Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images
S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 10,362,309, 2019 - Google Patents
US10362309B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US10362309B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …
US10362309B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …