Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,908,984, 2014 - Google Patents
US8908984B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US8908984B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …

Classifying an image's compression level

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,452,110, 2013 - Google Patents
(60) PrOV1slonal app11catlon No. 61/248,521,? led on Oct.(on lnue) 5, 2009, provisional
application No. 61/253,872,? led Primary Examiner i lose Couso on OCt'22'2009' …

Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 9,503,738, 2016 - Google Patents
US9503738B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US9503738B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …

Apparatus and methods for re-compression having a monotonic relationship between extent of compression and quality of compressed image

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 8,805,109, 2014 - Google Patents
PLC (57) ABSTRACT A computerized method for independent disjoint block-level
recompression of a first image generated by independent coding of disjoint blocks in a …

A locally adaptive system for the fusion of objective quality measures

A Barri, A Dooms, B Jansen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
Objective measures to automatically predict the perceptual quality of images or videos can
reduce the time and cost requirements of end-to-end quality monitoring. For reliable quality …

Image quality assessment using reduced-reference nonlinear model

D Borđević, D Kukolj, M Pokrić… - 2013 IEEE 11th …, 2013 -
This paper presents a reduced-reference nonlinear model driven image quality scheme that
is based on a Neural Network statistical estimator, namely Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and …

Interactive demonstrations of the locally adaptive fusion for combining objective quality measures

A Barri, A Dooms, P Schelkens - 2014 IEEE International …, 2014 -
To automate quality monitoring of multimedia applications, objective quality measures for
images and video content need to be designed. Objective quality measures that model the …

Image quality assessment using Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model

D Đorđević, D Kukolj… - … Conference on Graphic …, 2015 -
The main aim of the paper is to present a non-linear image quality assessment model based
on a fuzzy logic estimator, namely the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model. This image quality …

Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 10,674,154, 2020 - Google Patents
US10674154B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google
Patents US10674154B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images …

Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images

S Carmel, D Gill, T Shoham - US Patent 10,362,309, 2019 - Google Patents
US10362309B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents
US10362309B2 - Apparatus and methods for recompression of digital images - Google Patents …