Macromolecular crowding is more than hard-core repulsions
Cells are crowded, but proteins are almost always studied in dilute aqueous buffer. We
review the experimental evidence that crowding affects the equilibrium thermodynamics of …
review the experimental evidence that crowding affects the equilibrium thermodynamics of …
Theory of protein folding: the energy landscape perspective
▪ Abstract The energy landscape theory of protein folding is a statistical description of a
protein's potential surface. It assumes that folding occurs through organizing an ensemble of …
protein's potential surface. It assumes that folding occurs through organizing an ensemble of …
The MARTINI coarse-grained force field: extension to proteins
Many biologically interesting phenomena occur on a time scale that is too long to be studied
by atomistic simulations. These phenomena include the dynamics of large proteins and self …
by atomistic simulations. These phenomena include the dynamics of large proteins and self …
A field guide to foldamers
The breadth of structure and function displayed by the molecules of biology is remarkable.
Considering that there are only three major biopolymer backbones (proteins, ribonucleic …
Considering that there are only three major biopolymer backbones (proteins, ribonucleic …
Principles of protein folding—a perspective from simple exact models
General principles of protein structure, stability, and folding kinetics have recently been
explored in computer simulations of simple exact lattice models. These models represent …
explored in computer simulations of simple exact lattice models. These models represent …
Molten globule and protein folding
OB Ptitsyn - Advances in protein chemistry, 1995 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter describes the present state of the studies of the molten
globule state and its role in protein folding and physiological processes. Recent data on the …
globule state and its role in protein folding and physiological processes. Recent data on the …
[PDF][PDF] Denatured states of proteins
KA Dill, D Shortle - Annual review of biochemistry, 1991 - researchgate.net
In this review, we summarize results from theory and experiment that bear on the following
questions: What are the denatured conformations of pro teins? How are they affected by …
questions: What are the denatured conformations of pro teins? How are they affected by …
[KNIHA][B] Darwinism evolving: Systems dynamics and the genealogy of natural selection
DJ Depew, BH Weber - 1994 - direct.mit.edu
This book mainly aims to present an accurate history of the Darwinian tradition conducted
from a point of view that is both socially contextualized and conceptually reflective, and to do …
from a point of view that is both socially contextualized and conceptually reflective, and to do …
Biophysics of protein evolution and evolutionary protein biophysics
The study of molecular evolution at the level of protein-coding genes often entails comparing
large datasets of sequences to infer their evolutionary relationships. Despite the importance …
large datasets of sequences to infer their evolutionary relationships. Despite the importance …
Cooperativity in protein-folding kinetics.
How does a protein find its native state without a globally exhaustive search? We propose
the" HZ"(hydrophobic zipper) hypothesis: hydrophobic contacts act as constraints that bring …
the" HZ"(hydrophobic zipper) hypothesis: hydrophobic contacts act as constraints that bring …