[HTML][HTML] The Internet of Things and the circular economy: A systematic literature review and research agenda
In recent years, the concept of a circular economy (CE) has gained importance and attracted
significant attention among scholars and practitioners. Research that examines the role of …
significant attention among scholars and practitioners. Research that examines the role of …
Industry 4.0, innovation, and sustainable development: A systematic review and a roadmap to sustainable innovation
Despite the recent interest in the Industry 4.0 applications for sustainability, little is known on
the processes through which digital transformation and Industry 4.0 technologies enable …
the processes through which digital transformation and Industry 4.0 technologies enable …
Digital transformation in healthcare: technology acceptance and its applications
Technological innovation has become an integral aspect of our daily life, such as wearable
and information technology, virtual reality and the Internet of Things which have contributed …
and information technology, virtual reality and the Internet of Things which have contributed …
Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect
Industry 5.0 blows the whistle on global industrial transformation. It aims to place humans'
well-being at the center of manufacturing systems, thereby achieving social goals beyond …
well-being at the center of manufacturing systems, thereby achieving social goals beyond …
[HTML][HTML] Substantial capabilities of robotics in enhancing industry 4.0 implementation
There is the increased application of new technologies in manufacturing, service, and
communications. Industry 4.0 is the new fourth industrial revolution, which supports …
communications. Industry 4.0 is the new fourth industrial revolution, which supports …
Assessing enablers of green entrepreneurship in circular economy: An integrated approach
In recent years, researchers have considered green entrepreneurship critical for creating
new business opportunities in circular economy for sustainable development. Though many …
new business opportunities in circular economy for sustainable development. Though many …
A theory of digital technology advancement to address the grand challenges of sustainable development
Scholarly research has not yet discussed the totality of the 17 sustainable development
goals (SDGs) as part of a broader picture of sustainable development. This paper provides a …
goals (SDGs) as part of a broader picture of sustainable development. This paper provides a …
Industry 4.0 technologies, sustainable operations practices and their impacts on sustainable performance
Using a natural resource-based view and technology-organization-environment framework
as the theoretical focus, this paper develops and tests a research model in which …
as the theoretical focus, this paper develops and tests a research model in which …
[HTML][HTML] Industry 4.0 and cleaner production: A comprehensive review of sustainable and intelligent manufacturing for energy-intensive manufacturing industries
Under the promotion of sustainable development goals, cleaner production (CP) has
become an important strategy for energy-intensive manufacturing industries to maintain their …
become an important strategy for energy-intensive manufacturing industries to maintain their …
Identifying and prioritizing impediments of industry 4.0 to sustainable digital manufacturing: A mixed method approach
The impediments to Industry 4.0 adoption in sustainable production function as a roadblock
to the digital transformation of manufacturing companies. The study's goal is to look at the …
to the digital transformation of manufacturing companies. The study's goal is to look at the …