A best–worst measure of attitudes toward buying seabream and seabass products: an application to the Island of Gran Canaria

J Cantillo, JC Martín, C Román - Foods, 2021 - mdpi.com
Attitudes are important key drivers that affect consumers' seafood consumption. The present
investigation used a best–worst scaling approach to measure the level of importance and …

Fishery and aquaculture products in the EU: an analysis of consumers' preferences, producers' risk management and stakeholders' labelling preferences

JA Cantillo Acosta - 2022 - orbi.uliege.be
Aquaculture is considered the fastest-growing food production technology and has
surpassed wild catch as a source of seafood. Moreover, in terms of regions, the European …

Food as a Public Health issue: Diets and their intersection with the health field concept in the Canary Islands.

S Rodriguez Mireles - 2023 - accedacris.ulpgc.es
Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major health problem in the Canary
Islands autonomous region, mainly because of the high mortality and morbidity rates due to …

Fishery and Aquaculture Products in the EU: An Analysis of Consumers' Preferences, Producers' Risk Management and Stakeholders' Labelling Preferences

J Cantillo - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Global fish consumption has increased remarkably over the last 60 years, from 9 kg/capita in
1961 to 20.5 kg/capita in 2018, more than doubling the annual average population growth …

[PDF][PDF] A Best–Worst Measure of Attitudes toward Buying Seabream and Seabass Products: An Application to the Island of Gran Canaria. Foods 2021, 10, 90

J Cantillo, JC Martín, C Román - 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Attitudes are important key drivers that affect consumers' seafood consumption. The present
investigation used a best–worst scaling approach to measure the level of importance and …