High order strong stability preserving time discretizations
Strong stability preserving (SSP) high order time discretizations were developed to ensure
nonlinear stability properties necessary in the numerical solution of hyperbolic partial …
nonlinear stability properties necessary in the numerical solution of hyperbolic partial …
[KNJIGA][B] Strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta and multistep time discretizations
Strong Stability Preserving Explicit Runge—Kutta Methods | Strong Stability Preserving
Runge-Kutta and Multistep Time Discretizations World Scientific Search This Book Anywhere …
Runge-Kutta and Multistep Time Discretizations World Scientific Search This Book Anywhere …
Highly efficient strong stability-preserving Runge–Kutta methods with low-storage implementations
DI Ketcheson - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2008 - SIAM
Strong stability-preserving (SSP) Runge–Kutta methods were developed for time integration
of semidiscretizations of partial differential equations. SSP methods preserve stability …
of semidiscretizations of partial differential equations. SSP methods preserve stability …
Simulations of pulsating one-dimensional detonations with true fifth order accuracy
A novel, highly accurate numerical scheme based on shock-fitting coupled with fifth order
spatial and temporal discretizations is applied to a classical unsteady detonation problem to …
spatial and temporal discretizations is applied to a classical unsteady detonation problem to …
Explicit higher-order accurate isogeometric collocation methods for structural dynamics
The objective of the present work is to develop efficient, higher-order space-and time-
accurate, methods for structural dynamics. To this end, we present a family of explicit …
accurate, methods for structural dynamics. To this end, we present a family of explicit …
Optimal implicit strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta methods
Strong stability preserving (SSP) time discretizations were developed for use with spatial
discretizations of partial differential equations that are strongly stable under forward Euler …
discretizations of partial differential equations that are strongly stable under forward Euler …
Embedded pairs for optimal explicit strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta methods
We construct a family of embedded pairs for optimal explicit strong stability preserving
Runge–Kutta methods of order 2≤ p≤ 4 to be used to obtain numerical solution of spatially …
Runge–Kutta methods of order 2≤ p≤ 4 to be used to obtain numerical solution of spatially …
Adjoint sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Non-Intrusive Least Squares Adjoint Shadowing (NILSAS)
We develop the NILSAS algorithm, which performs adjoint sensitivity analysis of chaotic
systems via computing the adjoint shadowing direction. NILSAS constrains its minimization …
systems via computing the adjoint shadowing direction. NILSAS constrains its minimization …
High-order shock-fitted detonation propagation in high explosives
CM Romick, TD Aslam - Journal of Computational Physics, 2017 - Elsevier
A highly accurate numerical shock and material interface fitting scheme composed of fifth-
order spatial and third-or fifth-order temporal discretizations is applied to the two …
order spatial and third-or fifth-order temporal discretizations is applied to the two …
Unsteady adjoint of pressure loss for a fundamental transonic turbine vane
High-fidelity simulations, eg, large eddy simulation (LES), are often needed for accurately
predicting pressure losses due to wake mixing and boundary layer development in …
predicting pressure losses due to wake mixing and boundary layer development in …