Powerset-like monads weakly distribute over themselves in toposes and compact Hausdorff spaces
The powerset monad on the category of sets does not distribute over itself. Nevertheless a
weaker form of distributive law of the powerset monad over itself exists and it essentially …
weaker form of distributive law of the powerset monad over itself exists and it essentially …
On the structure of modal and tense operators on a boolean algebra
G Bezhanishvili, A Kornell - arxiv preprint arxiv:2308.08664, 2023 - arxiv.org
We study the poset NO (B) of necessity operators on a boolean algebra B. We show that NO
(B) is a meet-semilattice that need not be distributive. However, when B is complete, NO (B) …
(B) is a meet-semilattice that need not be distributive. However, when B is complete, NO (B) …
[HTML][HTML] A generalization of de Vries duality to closed relations between compact Hausdorff spaces
Stone duality generalizes to an equivalence between the categories Stone R of Stone
spaces and closed relations and BA S of boolean algebras and subordination relations …
spaces and closed relations and BA S of boolean algebras and subordination relations …
Vietoris endofunctor for closed relations and its de Vries dual
We generalize the classic Vietoris endofunctor to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces
and closed relations. The lift of a closed relation is done by generalizing the construction of …
and closed relations. The lift of a closed relation is done by generalizing the construction of …
MacNeille completions of subordination algebras
$\mathsf {S5} $-subordination algebras are a natural generalization of de Vries algebras.
Recently it was proved that the category $\mathsf {SubS5^ S} $ of $\mathsf {S5} …
Recently it was proved that the category $\mathsf {SubS5^ S} $ of $\mathsf {S5} …
On the compositionality of monads via weak distributive laws
A Goy - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Monads are a concept from category theory allowing to model abstractly the notion of
computational effect. The non-compositionality of monads is well-known, but the theory of …
computational effect. The non-compositionality of monads is well-known, but the theory of …
[PDF][PDF] Ideal and MacNeille completions of subordination algebras
M Abbadini, G Bezhanishvili… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - researchgate.net
S5-subordination algebras were recently introduced as a generalization of de Vries
algebras, and it was proved that the category SubS5S of S5-subordination algebras and …
algebras, and it was proved that the category SubS5S of S5-subordination algebras and …
A calculus for modal compact Hausdorff spaces
The symmetric strict implication calculus is a modal calculus for compact Hausdorff spaces.
This is established through de Vries duality, linking compact Hausdorff spaces with de Vries …
This is established through de Vries duality, linking compact Hausdorff spaces with de Vries …
Irreducible Maps and Isomorphisms of Boolean Algebras of Regular Open Sets and Regular Ideals
DR Pitts - arxiv preprint arxiv:2401.00598, 2023 - arxiv.org
Let $\pi: Y\rightarrow X $ be a continuous surjection between compact Hausdorff spaces $ Y
$ and $ X $ which is irreducible in the sense that if $ F\subsetneq Y $ is closed, then $\pi …
$ and $ X $ which is irreducible in the sense that if $ F\subsetneq Y $ is closed, then $\pi …